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When Dowex 1×2 (OH^- form) was suspended in an aqueous solution, glucose epimerized to fructose and mannose, and degraded to arabinose. The conditions of this reaction were investigated and it was found, first, that strongly basic anion-exchange resins universally reacted while weakly basic ones did not, second, that the reaction produced a better result at 30° than at 50°, and, third, that a sugar concentration of 100μg/ml was the most desirable for both epimerization and degradation. Comparison of effects of resin forms (OH^-, Cl^-, BO^-_2,H_2PO^-_4,and SO^<2->_4) of Dowex 1×2 on yields of arabinose and fructose from glucose showed that glucose epimerized and degraded only in the case (OH^- form or BO^-_2 form) where glucose combined with the resin. The fact that the yield of arabinose from fructose with Dowex 1×2 (OH^- form and BO^-_2 form) was much lower than those from glucose and mannose suggested that a structure having a carbonyl group at C-1 was necessary for degradation to arabinose. Autoradiography and radio-gas chromatography of reaction products from ^<14>C-glucoses with Dowex 1×2 (OH^- form) proved that the C-1 carbon of glucose split off as formic acid. A hypothetical degradation reaction-mechanism was postulated.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1980-02-25
- 食品の製造から流通までの品質変化を想定したソルビン酸とアミノ酸の反応 : 電子レンジでの瞬間加熱と室温放置との消長比較
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- フラボノイド類の抗酸化活性と構造との相関性に関する研究(1)
- CGTaseのアミロースへの作用
- CGTaseのアミロース環状化反応
- 脂溶性糖質誘導体の細胞接着阻害活性(第7報) トリチル誘導体の構造 : 好中球接着阻害活性相関 : 糖鎖工学
- Some Properties and the Inclusion Behavior of Branched Cyclodextrins
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- 糖質の分離と分析 : 主にオリゴ糖について
- 枝切り酵素の縮合反応によるガラクトシルマルトオリゴシルβ-サイクロデキストリンの合成
- N-アセチルグルコサミニル-分岐CDの酵素合成 : 酵素
- 枝切り酵素の縮合反応を利用した長鎖ヘテロ分岐サイクロデキストリンの合成および諸物性について : 酵素
- Preparation of 6^1,6^n-Di-O-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-cyclomalto-octaoses
- 糖転移反応による各種分岐シクロデキストリンの合成〔英文〕
- Preparation of Di-O-triphenylmethyl-(trityl-)cyclomalto-octaoses, and Isolation and Characterization by "Hex-5-enose Degradation" of Four Positional Isomers
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- Inclusion Complexes of Lipids with Branched Cyclodextrins
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- A Reinvestigation of the Tritylation of Maltose
- Trityl Derivatives of Cellobiose. VII. Unusual Di-O-trityl Derivatives of Cellobiose
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- Trityl Derivatives of Cellobiose. V. Selective Acetylation of 6- and 6'-Mono-O-tritylcellobiose and Their Methyl β-Glycosides
- Trityl Derivatives of Cellobiose. IV. Studies on the Relative Reactivities of the Secondary Hydroxyl Groups in 6,6'-Di-O-tritylcellobiose and Methyl 6,6'-Di-O-trityl-β-cellobioside by Selective Acetylation
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- 第10回国際炭水化物化学シンポジウム
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- 包接化合物の研究(第2報) : β-Schardinger Dextrinと医薬品との相互作用(その1)
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- 糖質の分離と分析
- Cyclization Reaction of CGTase on Amylose.
- Reaction of CGTase on Amylose.
- Synthesis and Properties of Hetero-branched Cyclodextrins.