- 論文の詳細を見る
The conjugates of mitomycin C (MMC) with glucuronoxylomannan (AC) from Tremella fuciformis were synthesized by the use of spacers (glycine, glycylglycine, glycylglycylglycine). In i.p.-i.p. system the antitumor activity of the conjugates (MMC-G-ACP, MMC-GG-ACP, MMC-GGG-ACP) against P388 leukemia in mice was slightly lower than that of MMC by the evaluation of life span, ILS (%). In s.c.-i.p. system the antitumor activity of the conjugates against sarcoma 180 solid tumor in mice was similar to that of MMC, except for MMC-G-ACP. The reduction of the number of leukocytes caused by MMC was suppressed by attaching MMC to AC. The conjugates did not lower the cytotoxicity of MMC against L1210 mouse leukemia cells in vitro. The release rate of MMC from the conjugates in vitro (half time of MMC release : MMC-G-ACP, 8.8h ; MMC-GG-ACP, 3.1 h ; MMC-GGG-ACP, 2.9 h) was much faster than that of MMC-dextran, and differed in the length of the spacer. The results would give useful information on macromolecular carriers in drug-delivery system.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1992-09-25
臼井 茂之
木方 正
鵜飼 茂夫
臼井 茂之
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
桐木 英之
永井 勝幸
永井 勝幸
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
臼井 茂之
Kiho Tadashi
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
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- Polysaccharides in Fungi. XXII. : A Water-Soluble Polysaccharide from the Alkaline Extract of the Insect-Body Portion of Chan hua (Fungus : Cordyceps cicadae)
- Polysaccharides in Fungi. XX. Structure and Antitumor Activity of a Branched (1→3)-β-D-Glucan from Alkaline Extract of Yu er(Biological,Chemical)
- A Glucomannan from the Tubers of Dioscorea japonica THUNB.
- キヌガサダケ(Dictyopora indusiata FISCH)の炭酸ナトリウム抽出物中の分岐(1→3)-β-D-glucanについて
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- 菌類中の多糖類(第7報) : キヌガサダケ(Dictyophora indusiata FISCH.)のアルカリ抽出物中のβ-D-glucanについて
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- Polysaccharides in Fungi. IX. A β-D-Glucan from Alkaline Extract of Dictyophora indusiata FISCH.
- Polysaccharides in Fungi. VII. Acidic Heteroglycans from the Fruit Bodies of Auricularia auricula-judae QUEL
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- Structure and Antitumor Activity of a Branced (1→3)-β-D-Glucan from the Alkaline Extract of Amanita muscaria.
- Tomato Paste Fraction Inhibiting the Formation of Advanced Glycation End-products
- Antidiabetic Effect of an Acidic Polysaccharide (TAP) from Tremella aurantia and Its Degradation Product (TAP-H).
- Antidiabetic Effect of an Acidic Polysaccharide(TAP)from Tremella aurantia and Its Degradation Product(TAP-H)
- Structural Features of an Anti-Diabetic Polysaccharide(TAP) from Tremella aurantia.
- Structural Features of an Anti-Diabetic Polysaccharide (TAP) from Tremella aurantia
- Structural Features and Hypoglycemic Activity of a Polysaccharide(CS-F10) from the Cultured Mycelium of Cordyceps sinensis.
- Activation of Macrophages and Neutrophils by an Endothelium Growth Suppressing Factor.
- Growth Suppressing Factor for Endothelial Cells Exhibits Tumor Regressing Activity.
- Purification of a Growth-Suppressing Factor for Bovine Artery Endothelial Cells from Mouse Lymphoma P388D1 Cells.
- Structural Features and Hypoglycemic Activity of a Polysaccharide (CS-F10) from the Cultured Mycelium of Cordyceps sinensis
- Activation of Macrophages and Neutrophils by an Endothelium Growth Suppressing Factor
- Growth Suppressing Factor for Endothelial Cells Exhibits Tumor Regressing Activity
- Purification of a Growth-Suppressing Factor for Bovine Artery Endothelial Cells from Mouse Lymphoma P388D1 Cells
- Preparation and Antitumor Activities of β-(1→6)Branced(1→3)-β-D-Glucan Derivatives.
- Polysaccharides in Fungi. XXXV. : Anti Diabetic Activity of an Acidic Polysaccharide from the Fruiting Bodies of Tremella aurantia.
- Preparation and Antitumor Activities of Mitomycin C-(1→6)-Branched (1→3)-β-D-Glucan Conjugate.
- A Glucomannan from the Tubers of Dioscorea japonica Thunb.
- Polysaccharides in Fungi. XXXVIII. Anti-diabetic Activity and Structural Feature of a Galactomannan Elaborated by Pestalotiopsis Species
- A Minor, Protein-Containing Galactomannan from a Sodium Carbonate Extract of Cordyceps sinensis.
- Effect of a Polysaccharide(TAP) from the Fruiting Bodies of Tremella aurantia on Glucose Metabolism in Mouse Liver.
- Effect of a Polysaccharide (TAP) from the Fruiting Bodies of Tremella aurantia on Glucose Metabolism in Mouse Liver
- モルモット肝ミクロソームのカルボニル還元酵素活性と膜脂質との相互作用
- 含硫カルコン誘導体の合成ならびにその生物活性について(第2報) : カルコンオキシド類とチオールとの反応
- 含硫カルコン誘導体の合成ならびにその生物活性について(第1報) : Alkylthiochalcone類の合成ならびに抗菌作用
- 遺伝性白内障ICR/fラットの水晶体混濁におけるインターロイキン18およびDNA分解酵素の関与
- Gas Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry of Paraquat and Diquat Reduction Products. A Reductive Cleavage of Paraquat and Diquat by NaBH_4 in the Presence of a Transition Metal Salt (Ni^)
- ドーピング後日談
- パラコート中毒と裁判化学
- ガスクロマトグラフィーによる血液および尿中の除増剤ParaquatおよびDiquatの定量
- Polysaccharides in Fungi. XXXVII. : Immunomodulating Activities of Carboxymethylated Derivatives of Linear (1→3)-α-D-Glucans Extracted from the Fruiting Bodies of Agrocybe cylindracea and Amanita muscaria.
- Polysaccharides in Fungi. XXXVII. Immunomodulating Activities of Carboxymethylated Derivatives of Linear (1→3)-α-D-Glucans Extracted from the Fruiting Bodies of Agrocybe cylindracea and Amanita muscaria
- Polysaccharides in Fungi. XXXIV. : A Polysaccharide from the Fruiting Bodies of Amanita muscaria and the Antitumor Activity of Its Carboxymethylated Product.
- The Distribution of Carboxymethyl Groups in O-(Carboxymthyl)ated (1→3)-β-D-Glucans and (1→3)-α-D-Glucans.
- モルモット肝ミクロソームのヘキソース 6-リン酸脱水素酵素の可溶化, 精製および性状
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- モルモット肝臓ミクロソームの2種のカルボニル還元酵素の精製と性状
- モルモット肝および腎の可溶性カルボニル還元酵素のテストステロン17β脱水素酵素としての免疫学的同定
- モルモット肝ミクロソームの芳香族アルデヒドおよびケトン還元酵素.精製, 性状およびヘキソース-6-リン酸脱水素酵素との関連
- 制癌性多糖類に関する研究(第27報) : カバノアナタケ多糖の抗腫瘍活性と血糖降下作用
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