Polysaccharides in Fungi. XIII. Antitumor Activity of Various Polysaccharides isolated from Dictyophora indusiata, Ganoderma japonicum, Cordyceps cicadae, Auricularia auricula-judae, and Auricularia Species
- 論文の詳細を見る
A mannan and water-soluble glucans from Dictyophora indusiata, a water-insoluble glucan from Ganoderma japonicum, a galactomannan from Cordyceps cicadae, and acidic heteroglycans from Auricularia auricula-judae and Auricularia species (Yu er), whose structural features have been reported in our previous papers of this series, were tested for antitumor activity against subcutaneously implanted sarcoma 180 in mice by intraperitoneal administration. Considerable antitumor activity was observed with partially O-acetylated (1→3)-α-D-mannan (T-2-HN) at doses of 10 mg・kg^<-1>・d^<-1>×10,water-soluble (1→3)-β-D-glucans having β-1→6 linked D-glucosyl side chains (T-4-N and T-5-N) at doses 5 or 10 mg・kg^<-1>・d^<-1>×10,and a glucuronoxyloglucomannan (U-3-A) at doses of 25 mg・kg^<-1>・d^<-1>×10.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1983-02-25
原 千尋
後藤 新
後藤 新
木方 正
原 千尋
Gifu College of Pharmacy
今泉 尚美
後藤 新
Nonclinical Research Laboratories, Bristol Banyu Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
今泉 尚美
Nonclinical Research Laboratories, Bristol Banyu Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
長谷川 嘉成
Nonclinical Research Laboratories, Bristol Banyu Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
長谷川 嘉成
Bristol-myers Research Institute Ltd.
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- Polysaccharides in Fungi. IX. A β-D-Glucan from Alkaline Extract of Dictyophora indusiata FISCH.
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- Polysaccharides in Fungi. VI. The Locations of the O-Acetyl Groups in Acidic Polysaccharides of Tremella fuciformis BERK.
- Polysaccharides in Fungi. IV. Acidic Oligosaccharides from Acidic Heteroglycans of Tremella fuciformis BERK and Detailed Structures of the Polysaccharides
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