醤油中のアミノ酸に関する研究 : (第2報) 天然醸造諸味における主要アミノ酸の消長
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Change in quantities of free arginine, glutamic acid, glycine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine and valine during the mash process of soy sauce was studied by microbioassay.Results obtained were as follows : Considerable amounts of free arginine disappeared in the course of maturation of the mash.The amounts of free isoleucine, leucine, methionine and phenylalanine steadily increased in the course of maturation ranged between the biginning of mash process and 396th day, while free glutamic acid, glycine lysine and valine showed mixima.In 47 day-mash, the ratio of each free amino acid to the total corresponding amino acid content of the acid hydrolyzate of the mash was found to be about 45% in regard to many amino acids estimated.However, higher ratio was fonud with regard to lysine and the ratios concerning glutamic acid and leucine were somwhat lower.The above-mentioned ratio was about 68% in the mash aged for 396 days, while glutamic acid showed lower ratio, and with arginine, the ratio was less than 20%.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1962-07-15
難波 敦子
藤原 耕三
藤原 耕三
徳田 睦
Osaka Joshigakuen Junior College
徳田 睦
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