Influence of Ni^<2+> and Co^<2+> on Methanogenic Activity and the Amounts of Coenzymes Involved in Methanogenesis
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The requirement of Ni^<2+> and Co^<2+> addition on methanogenic activity and the coenzymes involved in methanogenesis were investigated in anaerobic continuous cultivation with synthetic wastewater using acetate as the sole carbon source. Addition of Ni^<2+> and Co^<2+> to the synthetic wastewater drastically increased the maximum dilution rate of the cultivation. The concentrations of coenzymes F_<430> and corrinoids in the biomass increased to 0.62 μmol-Ni/g-VSS and 0.67 μmol-Co/g-VSS, respectively with the increase of the dilution rate. Methanogenic activity of the culture broth also increased with an increase of dilution rate. However, without addition of Ni^<2+> and Co^<2+> F_<430> and corrinoids were not detected in the biomass and methanogenic activity was only a trance level at a dilution rate of 0.025 d^<-1>. When the amounts of Ni^<2+> and Co^<2+> added at a dilution rate of 0.6 d^<-1> were lowered in steps, the concentrations of F_<430> and corrinoids in the biomass and methanogenic activity decreased with decreasing amounts of Ni^<2+> and Co^<2+> added. These results suggest that Ni^<2+> and Co^<2+> were required for the methane-producing reactions via increases of coenzymes F_<430> and corrinoids.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 2001-06-25
Kida Kenji
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Morimura Shigeru
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Morimura Shigeru
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biochemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Shigematsu Toru
Department of Materials and Life Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto Univer
重松 亨
Abe Naoki
Department Of Cardiology Hirosaki University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kida Kenji
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biochemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of engineering, Kumamoto University
Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of engineering, Kumamoto University
Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of engineering, Kumamoto University
Shigematsu Toru
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biochemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Kijima Junji
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kumamoto University
Abe Naoki
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
Abe Naoki
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biochemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Mochinaga Yoshitaka
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biochemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Numaguchi Masami
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biochemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
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