- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本水処理生物学会の論文
- 2003-03-15
Kida Kenji
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Morimura Shigeru
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Morimura Shigeru
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biochemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Tang Yueqin
Department Of Energy And Resources Engineering College Of Engineering Peking University
Shigematsu Toru
Department of Materials and Life Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto Univer
Kida Kenji
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biochemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Shigematsu Toru
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biochemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Tang Yueqin
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biochemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
KIDA Kenji
Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University
湯 岳琴
Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University
重松 亨
Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University
- Continuous ethanol fermentation from non-sulfuric acid-washed molasses using traditional stirred tank reactors and the flocculating yeast strain KF-7(BREWING AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY)
- Thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of garbage, screened swine and dairy cattle manure(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Anaerobic Treatment Performance and Microbial Population of Thermophilic Upflow Anaerobic Filter Reactor Treating Awamori Distillery Wastewater(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Gradient decrement of annealing time can improve PCR with fluorescent-labeled primers(METHODS)
- Bioremediation of Hydrocarbon Pollution by Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation
- 3P-2064 Ethanol production from bamboo biomass by concentrated sulfuric acid hydrolysis followed by continuous ethanol fermentation
- Effect of Temperature on Microbial Community of a Glucose-Degrading Methanogenic Consortium under Hyperthermophilic Chemostat Cultivation(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Isolation, Identification, and Structure of a Potent Alkyl-Peroxyl Radical Scavenger in Crude Canola Oil, Canolol
- Ethanol Production by Repeated-Batch Fermentation at High Temperature in a Molasses Medium Containing a High Concentration of Total Sugar by a Thermotolerant Flocculating Yeast with Improved Salt-Tolerance
- Effect of Fermentation Temperature on Relatonship between Cell Viability and Trehalose Content of Saccharomyces cerevisiae KF-7 in Repeated-Batch Fermentation
- Methane Fermentation of Pot Ale from a Whisky Distillery after Enzymatic or Microbial Treatment
- 生ゴミ高効率メタン発酵における菌体活性及び硫化水素抑制に関する研究
- Enzymatic Hydrolysis of the Horn and Hoof of Cow and Buffalo
- 910 A Study of Trehalose Metabolism during Fermentation of the Vacuolar Deficient Mutant SKD 2
- Physiological Functions of Enzymatic Hydrolysates of Collagen or Keratin Contained in Livestock and Fish Waste
- Continuous High-Ethanol Fermentation from Cane Molasses by a Flocculating Yeast : Ethanol Production by Flocculating Yeast (IV).
- The Effect of Aeration on Stability of Continuous Ethanol Fermentation by a Flocculating Yeast : Ethanol Production by Flocculating Yeast (III).
- Microbial Diversity of Mesophilic Methanogenic Consortium That Can Degrade Long-Chain Fatty Acids in Chemostat Cultivation(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 固定床リアクターを用いた高濃度有機物および懸濁物を含む豚糞尿搾汁液の嫌気性消化
- Microbial Community Analysis of Mesophilic Anaerobic Protein Degradation Process Using Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)-Fed Continuous Cultivation (Environmental Biotechnology)
- 湿式酸化による下水汚泥の完全消化と生物学的処理による残存NH4+および有機酸の同時除去
- In Vitro Evaluation of Physiological Activity of Vinegar Produced from Barley-, Sweet Potato-, and Rice-shochu Post-distillation Slurry
- Effect of Dilution Rate on Structure of a Mesophilic Acetate-Degrading Methanogenic Community during Continuous Cultivation(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- The Affecting Factors for Optimization of Mesophilic Aceticlastic Methanogenesis
- 余剰濃縮汚泥だけを先に液化する二段消化変法での菌相分布及び汚泥の成分変化
- Influence of Ni^ and Co^ on Methanogenic Activity and the Amounts of Coenzymes Involved in Methanogenesis
- Production of fuel ethanol and methane from garbage by high-efficiency two-stage fermentation process(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Production of Fungal Protein by Aspergillus awamori var. kawachi Grown in Shochu Distillery Wastewater
- Production of Protease Using Wastewater from the Manufacture of Shochu
- Accumulation of Propionic Acid during Anaerobic Treatment of Distillery Wastewater from Barley-Shochu Making
- Repeated-Batch Fermentation Process Using a Thermotolerant Flocculationg Yeast Constructed by Protoplast Fusion
- The Influence of Shear Stress and Its Reduction in the Production of Saccharifying Enzyme from Shochu Distillery Wastewater by Aspergillus awamori var. kawachi
- The Importance of the Surface Charge on Support Media for Microbial Adhesion
- Repeated-Batch Ethanol Fermentation by a Flocculating Yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae IR-2
- Production of Saccharifying Enzyme Using the Wastewater of a Shochu Distillery
- Degradation and Behavior of Natural Steroid Hormones in Cow Manure Waste during Biological Treatments and Ozone Oxidation(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Anaerobic Digestion of Coffee Waste by Two-Phase Methane Fermentation with Slurry-State Liquefaction
- Anaerobic Treatment of Distillery Wastewater from Barley-Shochu Making by UASB
- Liquefaction and Gasification during Anaerobic Digestion of Coffee Waste by Two-Phase Methane Fermentation with Slurry-State Liquefaction
- Evaluation of the Anaerobic Treatment of Sewage Below 20℃ by Novel Processes
- Efficient Removal of NH_4^+ Accumulated during Anaerobic Treatment of Distillery Wastewater from Shochu Making
- Treatment of Coffee Waste by Slurry-State Anaerobic Digestion
- Operation Conditions for Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater from a Beer Brewery
- Influence of Mineral Nutrients on High Performance during Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater from a Beer Brewery
- The Physicochemical and Biopharmaceutical Properties of Fragmented Keratin as a New Drug Carrier
- Formation of Green-Blue Compounds in Brassica rapa Root by High Pressure Processing and Subsequent Storage
- Comparative Analyses of Viable Bacterial Counts in Foods and Seawater under Microplate Based Liquid- and Conventional Agar Plate Cultivation: Increased Culturability of Marine Bacteria under Liquid Cultivation
- Effect of Vacuoles on Viability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- 流動床による地下水の生物学的脱窒
- Oxygen Sensitivity of NifA Protein of Azospirillum lipoferum FS as Suggested by Gene Cloning and Expression in Escherichia coli
- Antioxidative Effect of Enzymatic Hydrolysate of Horn and Hoof in Rat
- Comparative Analyses of Viable Bacterial Counts in Foods and Seawater under Microplate Based Liquid- and Conventional Agar Plate Cultivation : Increased Culturability of Marine Bacteria under Liquid Cultivation
- Tryptophol Induces Death Receptor (DR) 5-Mediated Apoptosis in U937 Cells
- Isolation of Tryptophol as an Apoptosis-Inducing Component of Vinegar Produced from Boiled Extract of Black Soybean in Human Monoblastic Leukemia U937 Cells
- Formation of Green-Blue Compounds in Brassica rapa Root by High Pressure Processing and Subsequent Storage
- Support Media for Microbial Adhesion in an Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed Reactor
- Influence of Mineral Nutrients on High Performance during Anaerobic Treatment of Distillery Wastewater from Barley-Shochu Making
- High-throughput method for a kinetics analysis of the high-pressure inactivation of microorganisms using microplates(METHODS)
- High-throughput method for a kinetics analysis of the high-pressure inactivation of microorganisms using microplates
- Enzymatic Production of γ-Aminobutyric Acid in Soybeans Using High Hydrostatic Pressure and Precursor Feeding