Piezoresponse of the cyo-Operon Coding for Quinol Oxidase Subunits in a Deep-sea Piezophilic Bacterium, Shewanella violacea
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We have isolated the genes for quinol oxidase from a deep-sea piezophilic bacterium, Shewanella violacea. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences of the cyo subunits showed that this oxidase has high similarity to Escherichia coli bo-type quinol oxidase. Northern blot analysis showed that these genes are expressed at a high level when the bacterium is grown at elevated pressure. Upstream in the cyo-operon, a σ^<54>-binding motif and an octamer sequence unit were found, suggesting that these elements may play a role in regulation of expression of the cyo-operon in response to changes in pressure.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2001-03-23
Kawano H
Extremobiosphere Research Center (xbr) Japan Agency For Marine-earth Science And Technology (jamstec
Nakasone K
School Of Engineering Kinki Univ.
Kato C
Extremobiosphere Research Center (xbr) Japan Agency For Marine-earth Science And Technology (jamstec
Kato C
Extremobiosphere Research Center Jamstec
KATO Chiaki
The DEEPSTAR Group, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center(JAMSTEC)
Horikoshi Koki
The DEEP STAR Group, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
The DEEPSTAR Group, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
YAMADA Mitsunori
The DEEPSTAR Group, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
QURESHI Mohammad
The DEEPSTAR Group, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
Qureshi Mohammad
The Deepstar Group Japan Marine Science And Technology Center:department Of Biological Science Unive
Yamada Mitsunori
The Deepstar Group Japan Marine Science And Technology Center:department Of Bioscience Faculty Of Sc
Horikoshi K
Extremobiosphere Res. Center (xbr) Japan Agency For Marine-earth Sci. And Technol. (jamstec)
Nakasone Kaoru
School Of Engineering Kinki Univ.
Kato Chiaki
Extremobiosphere Res. Center Japan Agency For Marine-earth Sci. And Technol.
Kato Chiaki
Marine Biodiversity Research Program Japan Marine Science And Technology Center (jamstec)
Horikoshi Koki
The Deep Star Group Japan Marine Science And Technology Center
Kato Chiaki
The Deep Star Group Japan Marine Science And Technology Center
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