Induction of Cytochrome P-450s and Expression of Liver-specific Genes in Rat Primary Hepatocytes Cultured on Different Extracellular Matrices
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Freshly isolated hepatocytes were cultured on an EHS-gel prepared from EHS-tumor, poly-N-p-vinylbenzyl-D-lactonamide (PVLA), and type I collagen (TIC). Hepatocytes on EHS-gel showed a spherical shape and much more strongly maintained the inducible expression of cytochrome P-450 genes which were lost on PVLA and TIC. Further, the expression of liver-specific genes were maintained on EHS gel at the highest level, and then higher on PVLA than TIC.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1994-08-23
Yabe Aya
Department Of Molecular Biology Institute Of Gerontology Nippon Medical School
Matsushita Natsuki
Laboratory Of Nutritional Biochemistry School Of Agricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Laboratory of Nutritional Biochemistry, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, School of Agriculture,
Yoshida Akira
First Department Of Internal Medicine University Of Fukui
赤池 敏宏
東京工業大学 大学院生命理工学研究科生体分子機能工学専攻
Oda H
Nagoya Univ. Aichi Jpn
Oda H
Department Of Applied Biological Sciences Nagoya University
Oda Hiroaki
Laboratory Of Nutritional Biochemistry Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Nagoya University
Akaike Toshihiro
Faculty Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Oda Hiroaki
Department Of Applied Biological Sciences Nagoya University
Kosayashi Kazukiyo
Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry, School of Agricultural Sciences, Nagoya, Nagoya University
Yoshida Akira
Laboratory Of Nutritional Biochemistry Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Nagoya University
Kosayashi Kazukiyo
Laboratory Of Polymer Chemistry School Of Agricultural Sciences Nagoya Nagoya University
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