人為的高血圧療法を目的とした自動血圧制御装置(第1報) : 装置の開発と動物実験
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Although induced hypertension therapy is believed to be one of the effective treatments of choice for cerebral vasospasm, it is difficult to achieve stable hypertension either by manually-controlled infusion or constant flow rate infusion of vasoconstrictors. To solve these problems, the authors developed a blood pressure control system for induced hypertension therapy. The autoregulator consists of a systemic blood pressure measuring device, a microcomputer, and an infusion pump of the rotary type. Systemic blood pressure is elevated gradually to the target level (BP target) by manually increasing the infusion rate of dopamine. After an appropriate flow rate (flow initial) is determined, the program is started. The flow rate is changed every two minutes depending on whether the input blood pressure is lower than the BP target. The function of the system was studied in anesthetized dogs. The femoral artery and vein were cannulated to monitor systemic blood pressure and central venous pressure, and for infusion of dopamine. Although slight changes of blood pressure (10-15 mmHg) at about 15 minute intervals were observed, stable hypertension of 200 mmHg was obtained. When dopamine was infused through another peripheral venous route, no marked blood pressure change occurred, because the infusion rate was automatically decreased. The effect of increased intravascular volume on induced hypertension was studied by the rapid infusion of hydroxyethyl starch solution (Hespander^【○!R】). Although blood pressure increased by 50 mmHg under a constant flow rate of dopamine, little change was noted under computer control. From these results, this system was found to be effective in maintaining stable hypertension.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1983-10-15
半田 肇
三上 隆
渡辺 英俊
半田 肇
長澤 史朗
半田 肇
帝京大学 脳神経外科
半田 肇
富田 健司
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