Off-Diagonal Wave Function Monte Carlo Studies of Hubbard Model I.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We propose a lVIonte Carlo rnethod, xvhich is a hybrid method of the qttantttrm Nlonte Carlotmethod and variational llVIonte Carlo theory, to stttdy the Httbbard nuodel. The theory is basedon the off-diagonal and the Gtrtzxviller type correlation f'actors which are taken into account bya IVIotute Carlo algorithtn. In tlae 4x4 systena otrr method is able to reprodtrce the exact resttltsobt;titted by the diagonalization. An applic?ttion is giveua to investigate tlae half'-filled band caseof two-dimensional sqtrare lattice. The energy is f'avorabl)r cortap;tred xvitl? qtranttrtaa lNzIonte Carlodata.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-11-15
YAMAJI Kunihiko
Electrotechnical Laboratory,Tsukuba Research Center
Yamaji Kunihiko
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukuba:electrotechnical Laboratory
Yamaji Kunihiko
Electronical Laboratory
Yanagisawa T
Nanoelectronics Research Institute Aist
Yanagisawa Takashi
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Koikegami Shigeru
Jsps:(present Address) Advance Soft And Iis University Of Tokyo
Koikegami Shigeru
Nanoelectronics Research Institute
Koike Soh
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukuba:electrotechnical Laboratory
Koike S
Department Of Physics Ii Science University Of Tokyo
Yanagisawa Takashi
Nanoelectronics Research Institute Aist
Yanagisawa T
Aist Ibaraki
Kawabata Shiro
Nanotechnology Research Institute Aist
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Yamaji Kunihiko
Aist Ibaraki
Yamaji Kunihiko
Electro-technical Laboratory
Yanagisawa Takashi
Electronics and Photonics Research Institute, AIST, Central 2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan
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