Conductance spectroscopy of spin-triplet superconductors.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We propose a novel experiment to identify the symmetry of superconductivity on the basis of theoretical results for differential conductance of a normal metal connected to a superconductor. The proximity effect from the superconductor modifies the conductance of the remote current depending remarkably on the pairing symmetry: spin singlet or spin triplet. The clear-cut difference in the conductance is explained by symmetry of Cooper pairs in a normal metal with respect to frequency. In the spin-triplet case, the anomalous transport is realized due to an odd-frequency symmetry of Cooper pairs.
- American Physical Societyの論文
- 2007-08-10
田仲 由喜夫
Kashiwaya S
Nanoelectronics Research Institute (neri) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Tech
Asano Y
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Golubov Alexander
Univ. Twente Enschede Nld
Asano Yuzo
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
ASANO Yoshihiro
NTT Electrical communications Laboratories
Koikegami S
Jsps Tokyo
Asano Y
Fukui Univ. Technol. Fukui
Asano T
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo
Tanaka Y
Ntt Interdisciplinary Research Lab. Tokyo
Kawabata Shiro
Nanotechnology Research Institute Aist
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