Two-Band Mechanism of Superconductivity (高温超伝導体に関するETLワ-クショップ<特集>〔英文〕) -- (Lattice Anomalies and Mechanism of High-Tc)
Yamaji Kunihiko
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukuba:electrotechnical Laboratory
Yanagisawa T
Nanoelectronics Research Institute Aist
Yanagisawa T
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Niigata University
Yanagisawa Takashi
Nanoelectronics Research Institute Aist
Yamaji Kunihiko
Aist Ibaraki
Yamaji K
Nanoelectronics Research Institute Aist
Shimoi Y
Nanotechnology Research Institute (nri) And Synthetic Nano-function Materials Project (synaf) Nation
Shimoi Yukihiro
Nanotechnology Research Institute (NRI) and Synthetic Nano-Function Materials Project (SYNAF), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
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