Superconducting Phase Diagram of the Two-Band Model Investigated by the Exact-Diagonalization Method
- 論文の詳細を見る
By means of the exact-diagonalizatioxa n-method we laave studied the finite-size two-band xaaodel witla tlte interband pair-transfer ixateraction by calculating tl?e supercon-ducting (SC) correlation fuxaction P. etc. iua the ground state. Occurrence of SC w'asclearly indicated by the increase of P.. The diagrana of the obserx'ed SC region wasconstructed in tlae plane of tl?e relative position of tlte second band versus on-siteCoulomb energy U. In tlae low-density lixnit it proved close to tlae region wltere axaegative-& situation is realized by tlte pair-transfer interaction. On tlte }aigla-densityside, tlae SC region w'as found to be more extended than tlae latter in accccrd with theprevious interbaxad-ladder-diagram results. Inclusion of tlae excltange interaction W'8Sfound to reduce tlae SC region in a restricted region wltere two bands substantiallyshare electrons. The two-band situations ira cuprates are argued to be relevant to thelniglc T. tlarough the present mechanism.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1992-10-15
YAMAJI Kunihiko
Electrotechnical Laboratory,Tsukuba Research Center
SHIMOI Yukihiro
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Yamaji Kunihiko
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukuba:electrotechnical Laboratory
Yamaji Kunihiko
Electronical Laboratory
Yanagisawa T
Nanoelectronics Research Institute Aist
Yanagisawa T
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Niigata University
Yanagisawa Takashi
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Yanagisawa Takashi
Nanoelectronics Research Institute Aist
Harigaya K
Electrotechnical Lab. Tsukuba
Yamaji Kunihiko
Aist Ibaraki
Yamaji K
Nanoelectronics Research Institute Aist
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Shimoi Y
Nanotechnology Research Institute (nri) And Synthetic Nano-function Materials Project (synaf) Nation
Yamaji Kunihiko
Electro-technical Laboratory
Shimoi Yukihiro
Nanotechnology Research Institute (NRI) and Synthetic Nano-Function Materials Project (SYNAF), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Yanagisawa Takashi
Electronics and Photonics Research Institute, AIST, Central 2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan
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