Accelerator Beam Experiments of a Prototype Cosmic Ray Heavy Ion Telescope
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A Heavy Jon cosmic ray Telescope (HIT) has been scheduled to be launched intothe synchronous orbit in 1993 aiming to observe elemental and isotopic compositionof solar energetic particles and galactic cosmic rays. In this paper, we report theresults of accelerator beam experiments of a prototype model of HIT. The telescopeconsists of two dimensional Position Sensitive Detectors (PSDs) and energy loss detec-tors (PIN type and [1-drifted type). The mass resolution was 1.1 arnu in FWHM for110 MeV / n pure iron ("Fe) beam. By exposing HIT to beams consisting of variousnuclides produced by the projectile fragmentation process in a reaction induced by"Fe beam, we confirmed that the secondary elements from ..S to z,Mn were clearlyseparated and that also the isotopes were separated for each elements lighter than..Ti. The observed mass resolution was 0.57 amu, 0.66 amu and 0.82 amu in FWHMfor ..Ar, .(,Ca and z.Ti, res)cectively. We can conclude that the HIT has good pros-pects of enough ability for our current purpose in space observation.cosmic rays, heavy ions, isotope, accelerator, satellite, space observation
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1991-11-15
HASEBE Nobuyuki
Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Imai Takashi
放射線医学総合研究所フロンティア研究センター 放射線感受性遺伝子プロジェクト
DOKE Tadayoshi
Science and Engineering Research Laboratory, Waseda University
Imai Takashi
University Of Tokyo
Yoneda Akira
Advanced Research Institute For Science And Engineering Waseda University
DOKE Tadayoshi
Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Kikuchi J
Kikui-branch Advanced Research Institute For Science And Engineering Waseda University
Kikuchi J
Advanced Research Institute For Science And Engineering Waseda University
Yoneda Akira
Department Of Earth Science Faculty Of Science Nagoya University
Yoneda Akira
Institute For Study Of The Earth's Interior Okayama University
IMAI Takashi
Institute for Solid State Physics,University of Tokyo
Kato Chihiro
Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Kato Chihiro
Department Of Physics Division Of Material Science Nagoya University
Hasebe Nobuyuki
Faculty of General Education, Ehime University
Kikuchi Jun
Science and Engineering Research Lab., Waseda University
KATO Toshiyuki
Kikuicho-Branch, Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Science and Engineering Research Laboratoty, Waseda University
KOHNO Tsuyoshi
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Space Sciences Laboratory,University of California
Kashiwagi Takanari
Kyokugen Osaka University
Imai T
Rf Heating Laboratory Naka Fusion Research Establishment Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Kohno T
Institute For Laser Science University Of Electro-communications
Doke Tadayoshi
Science And Engineering Research Laboratory Waseda University
Doke T
Advanced Research Institute For Science And Engineering Waseda University
Hasebe Nobuyuki
Department Of Computer Science Ehime University
Hasebe Nobuyuki
Faculty Of General Education Ehime University
Nishijima Kyoshi
Faculty Of Science Tokai University
Kato C
Department Of Physics Division Of Material Science Nagoya University
Imai Takashi
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
J. Crawford
Space Sciences Laboratory University Of California
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