Orbital Magnetism and current Distribution of Two-Dimensional Electrons under Confining Potential
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The spatial distribtrtion of electric ctrrrent trnder magnetic field and the restrltazat orbital l112lUnetusna laave been sttudied for txvo-dirnensional electrons under a harnaonic confining potentiatlX/(r) = mw3r'/2 in variotrs reginaes of tetnperattrre and rnagnetic field, and the zaaicroscopicconditiozus for the validity of' Landatt diatnagnetisuaa are clarified. Under a weak magnetic field(cu,c< wo, wc being a cyclotron I'requency) and at loxv tccuaaperatun'e (ksT< hwo), where timeorbital unagnetnc unounent flucttrates as a ['trnction of' the field, the ctrrrents are irregularly dis-tribtrted paranaagnetically or diaunagtaetically inside the btmlk regioua. As the tetnperature israised under svrch a weak field, l'nowever, the currents in the btrlk region are imttuediately redtucedand finally there only renaains the diatn?rgraetic currezat flowing alc>ng the edge. At the sannetinae, the trsual Landatr diaunaguuetiszaa restrlts for the total taaagruetic taaonaent. The origin of thisdranaatic tetnperattrre dependence is seen to be in tlae uaaultiple reflection of' electron waves Icy fluebotrndary confining potential, xvhich becoraaes inaportant 0l'1C(2 the ccclaerence letagtla of' electrotusgets longer thara the systena length. Under a stronger field (;. >;o), on the other hand, tlaecurrerats in the btrlk region catrse de Haas-van Alplaen ef['ect at low teuaaperattrre as AIB'Z'< 7tw,.As the tetaaperature gets laigher (kpT >l'tw.) trrader strcl? a strong field, the btrlk ctrrrents ar'eredtrced and the Landau diaraaagnetistaa by the edge ctrrrent is recovered.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-07-15
Fukuyama Hidetoshi
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Fukuyama Hidetoshi
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Ishikawa Yasushi
Department Of Information Science Faculty Of Science Hirosaki University
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