On the Role of Apical Oxygens in High-T_c Cu-Oxides
- 論文の詳細を見る
The role of apical oxygens in high-7". Cu-oxides has been ;tnalyzed based on theeffective Hamiltonian derived previously by the present autlvors. It turns out thatthese oxygens modulate notably the oxygen p-hole band structttre, which leads to theenhancement of the long-range hopping integrals of the Zhttng-Rice singlet. Thiseffect is further enhanced if tlte distance between apical 0 and in-plane Cu is reduced.This finding may relate to the remarkable experimental result Ivy Nlurayama e( at. ofthe strong pressure dependence of T. in the T' strttcture and its complete absence inthe T' structure.[high-7-.superconductivity, theory, effective I-[amiItonian,#-p model, /-7 model, ]l apical oxygens, pressture effects, t'l
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1990-05-15
Fukuyama Hidetoshi
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
松川 宏
Department Of Physics Osaka University
松川 忠
Matsukawa Hiroshi
Department Of Physics Nara Women's University
Matsukawa Hiroshi
Department Of Biology School Of Education Waseda University
FUKUYAMA Hidetoshi
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
- 29a-YH-6 スレーブボゾン平均場理論によるt-Jモデルの磁性と超伝導
- Orbital Magnetism in Two-Dimensional Mesoscopic Ring Systems (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
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- Electrical Conductance under Periodic Magnetic Field
- Coupled Oscillators in Quenched Random Potential
- Topological Defects in Moving Charge Density Waves and Flux Line Lattices
- Quasiparticle Electronic Structure of a New Surperconductor, Y_2C_3, in the Mixed State Investigated by Specific Heat and Flux-Flow Resistivity(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
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- Localization and Superconductivity
- Effects of Strong Spin Fluctuations on the Superconducting Transition Temperature in Weakly Localized Regime
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- Impurity Effects on Quantum Depinning of Commensurate Charge Density Waves : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Effect of Local Inhomogeneity on Nucleation;Case of Charge Density Wave Depinning
- 14. Kondo Effect and Localization in Two-Dimensional Systems(Theories,II Two Dimensional Systems)
- Kondo Effect in Disordered Two-Dimendional Systems
- Superconductivity near Charge Transfer Instability in CuO_2 Structure
- Magnetoresistance of n-InSb in Weakly Localized Regime
- Magnetoresistance of Two-Dimensional Anderson Localized System in Self-Consistent Treatment
- Critical Temperature of Superconductivity Caused by Strong Correlation
- Fermi Surface and Spin Fluctuations in Extended t-J Model
- Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model at Low Electron Density
- Perturbation Theory and Singularities in Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model at Low Electron Density
- Anyons in Extended t-J Model
- Anyons in Commensurate Flux Phase
- Anyons in Extended t-J Model
- Mean Field Theory of RVB and Superconductivity
- Mean Field Theory of Superconductivity in Strong Correlation
- Localization and Interaction in One-Dimensional Electron Systems
- 13. Interaction Effects in Weakly Localized Regime of Two- and Three- Dimensional Disordered Systems(Theories,II Two Dimensional Systems)
- 25. Localization-Delocalization Transition by Interactions in One Dimensional Fermion Systems(Theories,III. One Dimensional Systems)
- 13p-PSB-79 摩擦の理論III
- 12p-PSA-3 スレーブボソン平均場理論によるt-Jモデルの磁性、超伝導、金属絶縁体転移
- 30p-E-8 摩擦の理論II
- 摩擦力とは?
- 27a-ZB-12 摩擦の理論 I
- 26p-PSA-49 スレーブボゾン平均場理論によるt-Jモデルの磁性II
- 27p-PS-51 Cu-Oクラスターにおける電子状態II
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- Effects of Localized Spins in Quasi-Two Dimensional Organic Conductors : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
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- Spin-Peierls State vs Antiferromagnetic State in Quasi-One-Dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnet.IV.Transition Temperatures
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- Orbital Magnetism of Two-Dimensional Electrons in Confining Potentials
- Effects of Dissipation on Quantum Phase Slippage in Charge Density Wave Systems
- 清浄表面の摩擦
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- Classification of the Ground States of Two-Dimensional Quarter-Filled Organic Conductors with Strong Dimerization : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- On the Triplet Superconductivity in Nearly Ferromagnetic Dirty Metallic Films : The Effect of Weak Localization
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- Effective Hamiltonian for CuO_2 Layer
- On the Role of Apical Oxygens in High-T_c Cu-Oxides
- Antiferromagnetism of the t-J Model in the Slave Boson Mean Field Approximation
- Numerical Study of Dynamical Frictional Phenomena Based on the Two-Dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova Model with Impurities
- Effective Hamiltonian for High-T_c Cu Oxides
- Spin-Peierls State vs N'eel State II.Interchain Exchange Interaction
- Spin-Peierls State vs Antiferromagnetic State in Quasi-One-Dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnet : II. LOW TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS : Spin Density Waves
- Magnetic Properties of t-J Model
- Localization-Delocalization Transition by Interactions in One-Dimensional Fermion Systems
- Physics of Molecular Conductors
- Orbital Magnetism and current Distribution of Two-Dimensional Electrons under Confining Potential
- Kondo-like Effect of Atomic Motion on Resistivity in Pb_Ge_xTe
- Anderson Localization and Proximity Effect
- Effects of Randomness on Critical Temperature of Organic Superconductors
- Fermi Surface Instability of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Tight Binding Electrons : A Possible Phase Diagram of (La_M_x)_2CuO_4
- Spin-Peierls Transition with Competing Interactions : II. LOW TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS : Spin Density Waves
- The Phase Diagram of High T_c Cuprates: Mean Field Theory of t-J model : IV-B Superconductivity : IV Mechanisms of Superconductivity; Theory
- Higher Order Interaction Effects in Weakly Localized Regime:Case of Repulsive Force
- Spin-Peierls Transition with Competing Interactions
- A Note on Inelasyic Scattering Time in Two-Dimemsional Weakly Localized Regime
- Anomalous Magnetoresistance by Dephasing in a Disordered Layer with Ferromagnetic Boundary : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Mean-Field Theory of Mixed-Valence Conductors (R_1, R_2-DCNQI)_2 Cu
- A Theory of Phase Transitions in Quasi-One-Dimensional Electrons
- Anderson Localization in One-Dimensional Interacting Electron Systems
- Anisotropic Superconductivity in the Kondo Lattice
- Effect of Gauge Fields on Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Rate and Spin Susceptibility
- t-Matrix Approximation to Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model
- On Magnetic Properties of High Tc Oxides
- Application of Berezinskii's Diagram Method to Bond Disordered Syetem with the Dimerization and the Staggered Field
- Kondo Effect and Magnetoresistance in Weakly Localized Regime
- Higher Order Effects of Interactions in Two-Dimensional Weakly Localized Regime
- NMR Relaxation Time of the Anisotropic Superconducting State in Quasi-One-Dimensional Systems
- NMR Relaxation Rate of the Anisotropic Superconducting State in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Systems
- On the Critical Temperature of High T_c Superconductivity in (La_M_x)_2CuO_
- Effects of Superconducting Fluctuations on NMR Relaxation Rate
- Theory of NMR in Superconducting Multilayers
- Interaction Effects in Anderson Localization