森林Recreation利用者の視覚による可視地域判定の試み : 福岡市民の森における事例研究
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This paper deals with the relation between recreational visitors and forest land for estimating recreational problems in forest planning. In order to accomplish the forest management plan, the forest land, in terms of reasonable forest land-use, should be decided depending on the facets of forest plan problem. Among the several divided parts, the forest recreation part should be included and every forest recreational technique has to be laid out in this area. On this paper the investigator would like to manage the recreational are a by tring to form the connection between visibility of recreational visitor and surroudings of forest land in Fukuoka Recreational Forest (SHIMIN NO MORI). This working was carried out by the computer systems, the process of analysis was illustrated in Fig. 2. At first, we investigated the actual condition of forest recreational visitor there and, the result was arranged and illustrated by visitor's flowing chart in Fig. 1. We provided and meshed the topographical map arround Fukuoka Recreational Forest. View points were decided on the roads and checked the topographical map with flowing chart. We read the location and the level of view point, in addition to the volume of flowing chart, and put into the view point data. Topographical map was read the above sea level of mesh crossing points and put into the terrain data of two dimension array. The computer made a decision of visible points from terrain data and view point data. The result of decision was put into the frequency table of visible points. When the process had been completed, the frequency table was taken out. Then visible isometrical lines were drawn on the map at the interval of 500 persons as Fig. 6. This attempt had many problems. Input data had a little siginigicant figure concerning much variable errors. The computation systems should be corrected accoding to the below suggestion. 1) The correction of input data can be increased by a number of siginigicant figures from two figures to four figures. 2) In the couse of computing, the error term should be correctely checked up in each step in order to keep it equal between the approximately computing error and the relative error, at the end of computation.
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