玉葱の採種に関する研究 (I)
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It is generally believed that the production of onion seed is very unstable, because the pollen of onion is said to be very susceptible to high moisture. The author studied correlations among six characters, weight of bulb, ratio of height vs. diameter of bulb, date of flowering, date of sprouting, number of stalks and percentage of pollen germination. Pollen germination tests were conducted by folowing treatments; placing pollens in normal, wetl and dry atmosphere for 12 hours. The results were as follows (table 1); (i) the germination percentages of pollens varied distincly according to the weather conditions of the day tested, (ii) pollens of dry treatment have shown significantly high rates of germination, (iii) there was no significant difference between normal and wet treatment, except July 3,(iv) and the coefficient of variation of percentages of pollen germination estimated on 163 bulbs was very high (table 4). Therefore, it may be reasonably concluded that the results of pollen germination test are influenced by humidity of atmosphere and high variation of bulbs. The coefficients of correlation among five characters are presented in table 4,and the following coefficients sre significant; (i) between weight and ratio of height/diameter, (ii) between ratio of height/diameter and date of flowering (iii) between date of sprouting and percentage of pollen germination. If the flowers of onion open earlier than June 10,the production of onion seed will become somewhat to be stable, since rain is very rare in that season. Therefore, it may be said that selection of flattish bulbs will meet good for this purpose. But by such selection as mentioned, it will result in the decrease of weight of the bulb and indirectly decrease of the yield of seeds. Multiple regression equation of percentage of pollen germination (Y) with weight (X_1), ratio of height/diameter (X_2) and date of sprouting (X_3) is as follows; y=-8.76+0.0043X_1+19.0450X_2+0.1464X_3 By applying this eqation, the estimated percentage of pollen germination from selecting the superior 5% and 10% of population of bulb with X_2 and X_3,are presented in table 5. The expected value from the superior 5% is 11.9% and from 10%. 9.8%.
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