瓜科蔬菜の栄養雑種 : 第 1 報 胡瓜接穗の変異について
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1) According to Lysenko, Glushichenko, Sinoto and kasahara, it was concluded that the descended progenies derived from the graft hybridization of Solanaceae gained the heritable changes. If this conclusion is reliable, the heritable changes may be yielded through the change of metabolism of nuclear acid. In order to ascertain this assumption, the experiment of grafting of Cucurbitanceae was conducted. The report presented here deals with G_0 generation. 2) Pumpkin, calabash gourd (kanpyo), water melon, sponge gourd, wax gourd, calabash gourd (Hyotan), oriental pickling melon, balsam apple, melon and cucumber (which developed to five ordinary leaves) were prepared as stock and cucumber as scion. Cucumber scion was grafted by cleft grafting method. The Performances of G_0 generation are summarized as follows. 3) For healing, cucumber stock showed the highest percentage and water melon, calabash gourd (Kanpyo) and calabash gourd (Hyotan) stock showed a good result as well. It is, therefore, presumed that those stocks possessed the higher affinity to cucumber scion for healing. But calabush gourd (Kanpyo) stock appeared to have poor affinity to cucumber for developing after healing and cucumber grafted on calabash gourd (Kanpyo) could not develope to mature plant. Balsam apple stock possessed very poor affinity to cucumber for healing. 4) For number of node, scion on balsam apple stock remained to the lower value as well as degree of healing, but water melon stock was the higher as compared with cucumber and sponge gourd stock. 5) For shape of petal, calabash gourd (Kanpyo), cucumber and water melon stock belong to long form, calabush gourd (Hyotan), pumpkin and balasm apple to round and wax gourd oriental pickling melon, melon and sponge gourd to middle. 6) No difference was recognized among each scions grafted on different stocks for leaf shape. 7) To powdery and downy mildew which were observed in this experiment, cucumber on sponge gourd was to be comparatively resistant, but cucumber on pumpkin, wax gourd and cucumber to be susceptible. 8) In cucumber grafted on sponge gourd stock, flowering was latter, node location of the first female flower was higher and period from grafting to blooming was longer than on the other stocks. But in water melon stock, the performance was inverse. 9) In respect to female-male flower ratio, cucumber grafted on calabash stock was higher as the result of extreme decreasing of male flowers and cucumber on oriental pickling melon, melon, cucumber stocks were inversely lower because decreasing of female flowers, than the other stocks. From this fact, it is assumed that the auxin metabolism is influenced by grafting on other species plant.
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