Calreticulin is Transiently Induced after Immunogen Treatment in the Fat Body of the Silkworm Bombyx mori
鈴木 幸一
Suzuki Koichi
Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University
Tamura Hiroto
Dep. Of Environmental Bioscience Meijo Univ.
Kobayashi K
Inst. Physical And Chemical Res.(riken) Saitama Jpn
Imanishi Shigeo
National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
Takahashi Tadashi
Faculty of Bioresource Sciences, Akita Prefectural University
Taira H
Dep. Of Agro-bioscience Fac. Of Agriculture Iwate Univ.
Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University
TAIRA Hideharu
Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University
Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University
Sphingolipid Expression Laboratory, Supra-biomolecular System Group, Frontier Research System, Insti
KAMIIE Katsuyoshi
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Aomori University
Miyazaki Masao
Department Of Agro-bioscience Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Yamashita T
Department Of Agro-bioscience Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Kamiie Katsuyoshi
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Aomori University
Yamashita Tetsuro
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Murakami Hiroki
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Suzuki Koichi
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Imanishi Shigeo
National Inst. Agrobiological Sci. Tsukuba Jpn
Takahashi Tadashi
Faculty Of Agriculture Yamaguchi University
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