Resistance to Viruses in Transgenic Tobacco Plants Introduced Mammalian 2,5-Oligoadenylate Synthetase cDNA
Tamura Hiroto
Dep. Of Environmental Bioscience Meijo Univ.
Nakamura Shigeo
Miyagi Prefectural Agriculture And Horticulture Research Center
Yoshikawa Masanobu
Laboratory Of Plant Pathology Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
Shirasawa Naomi
Laboratory Of Plant Pathology Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
Ehara Y
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Ehara Yoshio
Laboratory Of Plant Pathology Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
Taira H
Dep. Of Agro-bioscience Fac. Of Agriculture Iwate Univ.
TAIRA Hideharu
Laboratory of Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University
Nakamura Shigeo
3rd Department Institute Of Industrial Science University Of Tokyo
Nakamura Shigeo
Miyagi Prefectural Agricultural Research Center
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