東北大学 | 論文
- Absorption of Nitrogen by Molten Iron Alloys. III : Study on Fe-C and Fe-Si Alloys
- Study of rigidity problems for C -manifolds
- Robust Transmission of Audio Signals over the Internet: An Advanced Packet Loss Concealment for MP3-Based Audio Signals ( Fundamental Aspects and Recent Developments in Multimedia and VLSI Systems)
- Verbal inflection, Feature inheritance, and the loss of null subjects in middle English (Grammaticalization, lexicalization and cartography : a diachronic perspective on the interfaces between syntax and morphology)
- Diffusion of Slufur in Liquid Iron. I : Diffusion in Pure Iron
- Diffusion of Sulfur in Liquid Iron. II : Diffusion of Liquid Iron Saturated with Carbon
- P-2. Genetics of residual feed intake and its consequences in selection program of Japanese Black cattle(Abstracts of the International Symposium on Recent Advances in Animal Science(IS-RAAS),Joint meeting of 2^ IS-AS and 3^ IS-IFS)
- 条件付故意について(一)
- 条件付故意について(二・完)
- 久慈湾口防波堤の整備による津波浸水低減効果
- 三陸国道道路防災対策に関する資料作成業務
- 海洋短波レーダを用いた面的海上風観測に関する検討
- An introduction to complex networks (Exploring collaborative mathematics)
- Paleontological Analysis of Omma Fauna from Toyama-Ishikawa Area, Hokuriku Province, Japan
- Global existence and blow-up for wave equations with weighted nonliner terms in one space dimension
- A survey on DDoS attack and defense strategies : from traditional schemes to current techniques
- 淡水性藍藻類Microcystis aeruginosaの鉄摂取に光が及ぼす影響
- 西太平洋の,やや特殊な津波 : Soloviev-Goの津波カタログから.
- 昭和三陸大津波来襲時の人間行動
- 昭和三陸大津波直後の,津波対策・復興計画への諸提案