- Anthelmintic Effect of the Embelia ribes Decoction and Embelin Derivatives on Trichuris muris in Mice
- Trichuris muris : The Anthelmintic Effect of Mebendazole in Mice is Dependent upon the Pre-treatment with Steroids
- Mobility Inhibition and Nematocidal Activity of Asarone and Related Phenylpropanoids on Second-Stage Larvae of Toxocara canis
- A Tetrazorium Dye (MTT) Assay for Testing Larval Viability Using Second-Stage Larvae of Toxocara canis
- Nematocidal Activity of Turmeric : Synergistic Action of Curcuminoids
- 105(P-46) キノン型ジテルペンの抗トリパノソーマ作用機構(ポスター発表の部)
- 107(P-62) 食品に由来する薬物相互作用物質の化学(ポスター発表の部)
- 58(P19) 神経成長因子産生促進作用を持つケロウジ由来ジテルペノイド類の構造(ポスター発表の部)
- 大麻種子の2,3,5-Triphenyl-2H-tetrazolium Chloride (TTC)による発芽能力鑑定法
- Synthesis of Highly Deydrogenated Oxoerythrinan Alkaloids, Erytharbine and Crystamidine
- Dioxypyrrolines. LV. Stereochemical Pathway of [2+2]Photocycloaddition Reaction of 4,5-Diethoxycarbonyl-1H-pyrrole-2,3-dione to Cycloalkadienes and Cycloalkenes
- Dioxopyrrolines. LIII.Stereochemical Pathway of [2+2] Photocycloaddition Reaction of 4-Ethoxycarbonyl-5-phenyl-1H-pyrrole-2,3-dione to Cyclic Enol Trimethylsilyl Ethers
- Tropane Alkaloid Production and Shoot Regeneration in Hairy and Adventitious Root Cultures of Duboisia myoporoides-D. leichhardtii Hybrid(Pharmacognosy)
- 日本薬局方収載のTLCによる生薬の確認試験について(1)1-ブタノール/水/酢酸(100)混液を展開溶媒とする確認試験
- A New Leishmanicidal Saponin from Brunfelsia grandiflora
- 74(P57) グレープフルーツジュースに由来するCYP3A4阻害物質の立体構造(ポスター発表の部)
- 日本の薬用植物園(21)医薬基盤研究所薬用植物資源研究センター 筑波研究部
- S1-04 理化学試験用標準生薬(仮称)について(シンポジウム1 和漢薬標準化の内と外,第24回和漢医薬学会大会 和漢薬の複雑さ-経験知と科学知-)
- 創薬における生物資源研究の成果と期待
- エッセンシャルオイルの化学
- 講座:香気成分の化学(2)エッセンシャルオイルの化学
- あゆみ エッセンシャルオイルの基礎--物質としてみたエッセンシャルオイル (メディカル・アロマセラピー)
- 天然由来殺線虫活性物質に関する研究
- Establishment of Rhizobium-mediated transformation of Coptis japonica and molecular analyses of transgenic plants
- New Sesquiterpene Hydroperoxides with Trypanocidal Activity from Pogostemon cablin
- New Norditerpenoids with Trypanocidal Activity from Vitex trifolia
- Trypanocidal Flavonoids from Sophora flavescens
- Flavonoid Constituents of Dracocephalum kotschyi Growing in Iran and Their Trypanocidal Activity
- Trypanocidal Terpenoids from Laurus nobilis L.
- Screening of Natural Medicines Used in Vietnam for Trypanocidal Activity against Epimastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi
- Cytotoxic Principles of a Bangladeshi Crude Drug, Akond Mul (Roots of Calotropis gigantea L.)
- A Rapid and Reliable Solid-Phase Extraction Method for High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Opium Alkaloids from Papaver Plants
- Synthesis and Nematocidal Activity of Diarylnonanoids Related to Malabaricones
- Synthesis and Nematocidal Activity of Aralkyl- and Aralkenylamides Related to Piperamide on Second-Stage Larvae of Toxocara canis
- [2+2] Photocycloaddition Reaction of 5-Arylfuran-2,3-diones to Trimethylsilyloxyethylenes
- Dioxopyrrolines. LXI. Cycloaddition Reaction of 4-Benzoyl-5-ethoxycarbonyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrrole-2,3-dione with 1,3-Dienes : Competitive Occurrence of Normal and Hetero Diels-Alder Reaction and Claisen Rearrangement of the Hetero Diels-Alder Product
- Total Synthesis of Homoerythrinan Alkaloids, Schelhammericine and 3-Epischelhammericine
- DNA Profiling of Acorus calamus Chemotypes Differing in Essential Oil Composition
- P-517 Leishmanicidal Constituents from Brunfelsia grandiflora
- In Vitro Leishmanicidal Constituents of Millettia pendula
- Anticarcinogenic compounds in the Uzbek medicinal plant, Helichrysum maracandicum
- A new phenolic glucoside from an Uzbek medicinal plant, Origanum tyttanthum
- Two New Monoterpene Glycosides and Trypanocidal Terpenoids from Dracocephalum kotschyi
- Field Survey of Cinnamon in Viet Nam
- Phenylethanoid Glycosides Targeting Mammalian DNA Polymerases
- Four New 2-(2-Phenylethyl)chromone Derivatives from Withered Wood of Aquilaria sinensis
- Trypanocidal Constituents from Michelia alba
- A New Megastigmane Glucoside from Phlomis spinidens
- Molecular Cloning, Functional Expression and Characterization of d-Limonene Synthase from Schizonepeta tenuifolia
- Acacia concinna Saponins. II. Structures of Monoterpenoid Glycosides in the Alkaline Hydrolysate of the Saponin Fraction
- Acacia concinna Saponins. I. Structures of Prosapogenols, Concinnosides A-F, Isolated from the Alkaline Hydrolysate of the Highly Polar Saponin Fraction
- Trypanocidal Constituents of Desmos dasymachalus
- 医薬基盤研究所 薬用植物資源研究センターの紹介
- ビタミンB_の生合成 : 進む遺伝子レベルでの解析
- 天然抗白血病薬の酵素的合成への道
- ショウブ根,セキショウ根に関する生薬学的研究(第2報) : アジア市場品Acorus属根茎に対する組織形態学的および化学的考察
- A New Megastigmane Glucoside from Phlomis spinidens
- Trypanocidal Constituents from Michelia alba
- Screening of Natural Medicines Used in Vietnam for Trypanocidal Activity against Epimastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi
- Field Survey of Cinnamon in Viet Nam
- Trypanocidal Flavonoids from Sophora flavescens
- Flavonoid Constituents of Dracocephalum kotschyi Growing in Iran and Their Trypanocidal Activity
- Evaluation of the taste of crude drug and Kampo formula by a taste-sensing system (4) : taste of Processed Aconite Root
- Trypanocidal Constituents of Desmos dasymachalus
- Identification of Major Constituents of a Saussurea gossypiphora Collected in Himalaya
- Screening of Crude Drugs Used in Bangladesh for Nematocidal Activity on the Larva of Toxocara canis
- Screening of Crude Drugs Used in Nepal for Nematocidal Activity on the Larva of Toxocara canis
- Nematocidal and Bursting Activities of Essential Oils on the Larvae to Toxocara canis
- Screening of Crude Drugs Used in Turkey for Nematocidal Activity on the Larva of Toxocara canis
- Screening of Crude Drugs Used in Sri Lanka for Nematocidal Activity on the Larva of Toxocara canis
- Nematocidal Activity of Some Anthelmintics, Traditional Medicines, and Spices by New Assay Method Using Larvae of Toxocara canis
- ネパール産カギカズラ属植物Uncaria scandensの形態とアルカロイド成分
- 天然由来殺線虫活性物質に関する研究