クロマトグラフィー科学会学会賞受賞記念論文 Development of Highly Selective Analytical Systems for Biological Substances Using Chromatography Combined with Mass Spectrometry--With Special Reference to Bio-Analytical Studies of Bile Acids
- 論文の詳細を見る
- クロマトグラフィ-科学会の論文
- 2004-03-19
Mano Nariyasu
Dep. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku Univ. Hospital
Mano Nariyasu
東北大学 薬研究
Mano N
Tsukuba Research Laboratories Eisai Co. Ltd.
Mano Nariyasu
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku University
Goto J
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Goto Junichi
Department Of Surgery Asahikawa Medical College
Goto J
The Ion Engineering Research Institute Corporation
Mano N
Dep. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku Univ. Hospital
GOTO Takaaki
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University
Goto T
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku University
Goto Takaaki
Department Of Electric Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Goto J
Division Of Clinical Pharmacy Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku University
後藤 俊夫
Mano Nariyasu
Analytical Chemistry And Pharmaceutical Research Section Tsukuba Research Laboratories Eisai Co. Ltd
Goto Junichi
Department Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku University Hospital : Department Of Clinical Pharmacy G
後藤 俊夫
Imram Tohoku University
Goto Junichi
Department Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku University Hospital
Goto Junichi
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University Hospital
後藤 順一
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University Hospital
後藤 俊夫
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University
- C-4-9 光ファイバーのラマンシフトにより波長変換したフェムト秒ソリトンパルスの第2次高調波発生
- 放電励起ArFレーザプラズマ中の電子密度計測
- 「高度総合工学創造実験」による創造性教育の実践
- Rapid screening of antineoplastic candidates for the human organic anion transporter OATP1B3 substrates using fluorescent probes
- LC/ESI-tandem mass spectrometric determination of bile acid 3-sulfates in human urine 3β-Sulfooxy-12α-hydroxy-5β-cholanoic acid is an abundant nonamidated sulfate
- クロマトグラフィー科学会学会賞受賞記念論文 Development of Highly Selective Analytical Systems for Biological Substances Using Chromatography Combined with Mass Spectrometry--With Special Reference to Bio-Analytical Studies of Bile Acids
- Synthesis of 3α, 7α, 14α-Trihydroxy-5β-cholan-24-oic Acid : A Potential Primary Bile Acid in Vertebrates
- Potential Bile Acid Metabolites. 25. Synthesis and Chemical Properties of Stereoisomeric 3α, 7α, 16- and 3α, 7α, 15-Trihydroxy-5β-cholan-24-oic Acids
- Effects of Ar Dilution and Exciting Frequency on Absolute Density and Translational Temperature of Si Atom in Very High Frequency-Capacitively Coupled SiH_4 Plasmas
- Magneto-Thermodynamic Effects in Chemical Reactions(General Physics)
- Fundamental Studies on Acceleration of Charged Micro Particles (Macrons) and Its Interaction with Materials Surfaces by Implantation
- Simultaneous determination of pancuronium, vecuronium and their related compounds using LC-ESI-MS
- Determination of chlorhexidine (CHD) and nonylphenolethoxylates (NPEOn) using LC-ESI-MS method and application to hemolyzed blood
- Determination of urinary 12(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with column-switching technique : sex difference in healthy volunteers and patients with diabetes mellitus
- C-4-40 cw 光注入による Fabry-Perot LD 内の四光波混合光の偏波特性
- 非線形偏光干渉計を用いた光子数スクイズド光生成の量子論的解析
- C-4-33 Fabry-Perot LD の全光制御モード同期法における cw 注入光の偏波依存性
- 予備変調方式による高調波モード同期ファイバリングレーザのリング長制御
- cw 光注入による Fabry-Perot LD の全光制御モード同期法の特性と二分周動作への応用
- C-4-14 予備変調方式による高調波モード同期ファイバリングレーザのリング長補償
- C-4-13 Fabry-Perot LDの全光制御モード同期における外部共振器の効果 (II)
- C-4-12 Fabry-Perot LDにおけるモード同期光パルス列の分周動作のPLLモデルによる解析
- C-4-10 Fabry-Perot LDへのcw光注入による縦モード間の相互注入同期と注入同期の観測(C-4.レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス,一般講演)
- C-4-4 多縦モード発振Fabry-Perot LDのスペクトル線幅狭窄化に関する実験検討(C-4. レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス(半導体レーザ), エレクトロニクス1)
- GHz帯位相同期ループとその関連技術に関する検討(工学部:電気学科 電気工学専攻・電子工学専攻・情報通信工学専攻)
- 全光制御モード同期法におけるスペクトル線幅狭窄化と主縦モード間相互注入同期の観測(工学部:電気学科 電気工学専攻・電子工学専攻・情報通信工学専攻)
- C-4-21 cw光注入によるFabry-Perot LDの主縦モード間の相互注入同期の観測(C-4. レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス, エレクトロニクス1)
- 高調波モード同期ファイバリングレーザにおけるリング長制御特性(工学部:情報通信工学科)
- cw光注入によるFabry-Perot LDの全光制御モード同期における偏波特性とスペクトル線幅の狭窄化(工学部:情報通信工学科)
- C-4-21 cw光注入によるFabry-Perot LDの全光制御モード同期法における動作特性向上の検討(II)(C-4.レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス)
- C-4-22 cw 光注入による Fabry-Perot LD の全光制御モード同期法における動作特性向上の一検討
- "Tension-free" Herniorrhaphy for Groin Hernias in Patients with Cirrhosis : Report of Four Cases
- Gallbladder carcinoma associated with occult pancreatobiliary reflux in the absence of pancreaticobiliary maljunction
- Pylorus-preserving total pancreatectomy for an intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas
- Fabry-Perot LDの全光制御モード同期法における再現性向上とcw注入光の偏波に対する依存性
- 光ディジタル信号のパワースペクトル密度解析
- 応用物理学会のさらなる発展に向けて
- プラズマ中の新ラジカル計測法の開発と発展
- 科学技術の復興と応用物理学会
- Visual Software Development Environment Based on Graph Grammars
- Structural Analysis of N-Linked Carbohydrate Chains of Funnel Web Spider (Agelenopsis aperta) Venom Peptide Isomerase
- Diamond Deposition and Behavior of Atomic Carbon Species in a Low-Pressure Inductively Coupled Plasma
- Behaviors of carbon atom density in hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon plasmas
- Measurement of Einstein's A Coefficient of the 296.7 nm Transition Line of the Carbon Atom
- Relationship between the Association Constant and Enantioselectivity on the Flavoprotein-Conjugated Chiral Stationary Phase for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
- Preparation of Neocarzinostatin Apoprotein Mutants and the Randomized Library on the Chromophore-Binding Cavity(Miscellaneous)
- 高非線形分散シフトファイバを用いた超広帯域スーパーコンティニューム光のコヒーレンスの解析
- パルス変調プラズマCVDを用いた配向性ポリシリコン薄膜形成
- 相互相関周波数分解光ゲート法を用いた光ファイバにおける超短パルス光の伝搬特性の解析
- マイクロプラズマを光源に用いた真空紫外吸収分光法による原子密度計測
- 赤外半導体レーザー吸収分光による半導体プロセスモニタリング
- Separation and Determination of Diastereomeric Flurbiprofen Acyl Glucuronides in Human Urine by LC/ESI-MS with a Simple Column-Switching Technique
- Hihg-Density Nanoetchpit-Array Fabrication on Si Surface Using Ultrathin SiO_2 Mask
- New Process for Si Nanopyramid Array(NPA)Fabrication by Ion-Beam Irradiation and Wet Etching
- Genotyping of the N-acetyltransferase2 Polymorphism in the Prediction of Adverse Drug Reactions to Isoniazid in Japanese Patients
- Sputtering Conditions and Properties of In-Plane-Aligned Y-Ba-Cu-O Films for Devices Application(Recent Progress in Oxide Thin Films by Sputtering)
- Mechanism of Field Emission from a Highly Phosphorous-Doped Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond (111) Surface
- 複屈折ファイバにおける超短ソリトンパルスによるパルス捕捉を用いた超高速全光スイッチング
- 高非線形ファイバーを用いた超高速非線形光学効果の応用--ソリトン・スーパーコンティニウム・パルス捕捉など
- 「応用物理教育分科会」の一層の発展を祈念して
- Cleaning of Glass Disk in Oxygen Plasma by Using Compact Electron-Beam-Excited Plasma Source
- Squeezed Vacuum Generation Using Symmetric Nonlinear Polarization Interferometer : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Nonlinear Polarization Interferometer for Photon-Number Squeezed Light Generation : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Analysis of Generation Mechanism of Photon-Number Squeezed Light Using Ultrashort Pulse and Asymmetric Fiber Loop Mirror
- Characteristics of Intensity Noise Reduction of Optical Pulses Using Variabel Spectral Filters and Optical Fibers
- Simultaneous Detection of Cholyl Adenylate and Coenzyme A Thioester Utilizing Liquid Chromatography/Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- Separation and Detection of Bile Acid 24-Glucuronides in Human Urine by Liquid Chromatography Combined with Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- Biomedical and Biological Mass Spectrometry
- Novel methylcellulose-immobilized cation-exchange precolumn for on-line enrichment of cationic drugs in plasma
- Highly Selective Molecular Recognition of Biologically Active Substances Using Liquid Phase Separation
- Measurement of Spatial Distribution of SiF_4 and SiF_2 Densities in High Density SiF_4 Plasma Using Single-Path Infrared Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy and Laser-Induced Fluorescence Technique
- Spatial Distribution Measurement of Absolute Densities of CF and CF_2 Radicals in a High Density Plasma Reactor Using a Combination of Single-Path Infrared Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy and Laser-Induced Fluorescence Technique
- Brain and Heart Specific Alteration of Methamphetamine (MAP) Distribution in MAP-Sensitized Rat
- Screening of Antibiotics That Interact with Organic Anion-Transporting Polypeptides 1B1 and 1B3 Using Fluorescent Probes
- Surface Order Evaluation of the Heteroepitaxial Diamond Film Grown on an Inclined β-SiC(001)
- Enzyme Immunoassay for Ursodeoxycholic Acid 7-N-Acetylglucosaminides in Human Urine
- An Improved Method for the Capillary Gas Chromatographic Derivatization of Polyhydroxylated Steroids Having tert-Hydroxyl Groups
- An Experiment for Material Surface Modification by the Charged Microparticle (Macron) Acceleration and Implantation
- Comparative Abilities and Optimal Conditions for β-Glycosidase Enzymes to Hydrolyse the Glucuronide, Glucoside, and N-Acetylglucosaminide Conjugates of Bile Acids
- Growth of Preferentially Oriented Microcrystalline Silicon Film Using Pulse-Modulated Ultrahigh-Frequency Plasma
- Analysis of Effect of Chromatic Dispersion for Wavelength Tunable Ultrashort Soliton Pulse Generation
- Measurement of Timing Jitter in Wavelength Tunable Femtosecond Soliton Pulses
- Characteristics of Wavelength Tunable Femtosecond Soliton Pulse Generation Using Femtosecond Pump Laser and Polarization Maintaining Fiber
- Deposition of Diamond-Like Carbon Using Compact Electron-Beam-Excited Plasma Source
- Investigation of Nitrogen Atoms in Low-Pressure Nitrogen Plasmas Using a Compact Electron-Beam-Excited Plasma Source
- Exopeptidase Degradation for the Analysis of Phosphorylation Site in a Mono-phosphorylated Peptide with Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- Production and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Recognizing the Asymmetric Center of Optically Active Bufuralol and Its Metabolites
- Transport of Estrone 3-sulfate Mediated by Organic Anion Transporter OATP4C1 : Estrone 3-sulfate binds to the Different Recognition Site for Digoxin in OATP4C1
- Protective Effect of FR 183998, a Na^+/H^+ Exchange Inhibitor, Against Postischemic Injury After Normothermic and Prolonged Hypothermic Ischemia in Isolated Perfused Rat Hearts
- 光ファイバを用いた波長可変フェムト秒ソリトンパルスの生成
- 光ファイバを用いた波長可変フェムト秒ゾリトンパルスの生成
- 光ファイバーにおける非線形効果を用いた広帯域波長可変短パルス光の発生
- 波長可変超短パルスファイバレーザー
- LC-MS/MS coupled with immunoaffinity extraction for determination of estrone, 17β-estradiol and estrone 3-sulfate in human plasma
- Simple quantification of lansoprazole and rabeprazole concentrations in human serum by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry
- Synthesis of Fluorinated SiN_x Gate Dielectric Films Using ECR-PECVD Employing SiF_4/N_2/H_2 Gases
- Ultrathin Fluorinated Silicon Nitride Gate Dielectric Films Formed by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Employing NH_3 and SiF_4
- Widely Wavelength Tunable Ultrashort Soliton Pulse and Anti-Stokes Pulse Generation for Wavelengths of 1.32-1.75 μm
- Transport of fluorescent chenodeoxycholic acid via the human organic anion transporters OATP1B1 and OATP1B3.
- Transport of estrone 3-sulfate mediated by organic anion transporter OATP4C1: estrone 3-sulfate binds to the different recognition site for digoxin in OATP4C1.