Lignan production in Daphne odora cell cultures
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Springerの論文
- 2002-06-25
奥西 智哉
Suzuki S
Forest Biotechnology Group Department Of Forestry And Environmental Resources College Of Natural Res
島田 幹夫
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
UMEZAWA Toshiaki
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
島田 幹夫
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
National Food Research Institute
Sakai Fukumi
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
Shimada M
Kagoshima Univ. Kagoshima Jpn
Shimada Mikio
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Okunishi Tomoya
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
TAKAKU Naohiro
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
Shimada M
Laboratory Of Biochemical Control Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Sakakibara Norikazu
Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
梅澤 俊明
Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Umezawa Toshiaki
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Sakai Fukumi
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Takaku Naohiro
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Wattanawikkit Patcharawadee
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Umezawa Toshiaki
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Shimada Norimoto
Department Of Life Science Aichi University Of Education
Okunishi Tomoya
Food Resource Division National Food Research Institute
Suzuki Shiro
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
奥西 智哉
(独)農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 食品総合研究所 食品素材科学研究領域
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