New Mechanism for Oxygenative Ring Cleavage of 3,4-Dimethoxybenzyl Alcohol Catalyzed by the Ligninase Model(Organic Chemistry)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1988-03-23
服部 武文
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Hattori Takefumi
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
島田 幹夫
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
UMEZAWA Toshiaki
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
HIGUCHI Takayoshi
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
Institute for Biotechnology, ETH-Hoenggerberg HPT
Institute for Biotechnology, ETH-Hoenggerberg HPT
Fiechter A.
Institute For Biotechnology Eth-hoenggerberg Hpt
Leisola M.
Institute For Biotechnology Eth-hoenggerberg Hpt
Shimada Mikio
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Umezawa Toshiaki
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Higuchi T
Kyoto Univ.
Higuchi T
Soy Sauce Research Laboratory R & D Division Kikkoman Corporation:(present Address)research And
Higuchi Takayoshi
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
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