Primary Structure of the Pig Homologue of Human IHRP: Inter-α-Trypsin Inhibitor Family Heavy Chain-Related Protein
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1996-03-01
Hashimoto Ken
Department of Physiology, Kawasaki Medical University
戸部 敞
Choi-miura Nam-ho
Department Of Physiological Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Yasue Hiroshi
Animal Genome Research Unit National Institute Of Agro-biological Science
Yasue H
National Inst. Animal Ind. Ibaraki
TOBE Takashi
Department of Physiological Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Department of Physiological Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
SUMIYA Jun-ichi
Department of Physiological Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
SANO Yoshiihiro
Departmet of Physiological Chemistry, School of Pharmacutical Sciences, Showa University
OZAWA Akihito
Animal Genome Research Group, National Institute of Animal Industry, Ministry of Agriculture, Forest
Hashimoto K
Department Of Physiological Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University.
Choi‐miura N‐h
Department Of Physiological Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Yasue Hiroshi
Animal Genome Research Group National Institute Of Animal Industry
冨田 昌弘
Department Of Physiological Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Tomita Motowo
Department Of Hygienic Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Ozawa Akihito
Animal Genome Research Group National Institute Of Animal Industry Ministry Of Agriculture Forestry
Tobe Takashi
Department Of Biochemistry School Of Medicine Showa University
Sano Y
Department Of Physiological Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Sumiya Jun-ichi
Department Of Physiological Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University.
Hashimoto K
Yokohama R&d Laboratories Sumitomo Electric Ltd.
Sano Y
Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Hashimoto Ken
Department Of Physiology Kawasaki Medical University
Hashimoto Ken
Department Of Dermatology & Syphilology Wayne State University School Of Medicine
Hashimoto Ken
Department Of Cardiology National Hospital Organization Okayama Medical Center
Department o f Surgery, Kurume University School of Medicine
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