Post-Scabetic Nodules : A Lymphohistiocytic Reaction Rich in Indeterminate Cells
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2000-03-01
Hashimoto Ken
Department of Physiology, Kawasaki Medical University
Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi Universi
Fujiwara Keiko
Department Of Advanced Materials Science And Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Yamaguchi University
Schoenfeld Robert
Department Of Dermatology & Syphilology Wayne State University School Of Medicine
Department of Dermatology & Syphilology, Wayne State University School of Medicine
Department of Dermatology & Syphilology, Wayne State University School of Medicine
Department of Dermatology & Syphilology, Wayne State University School of Medicine
Department of Dermatology & Syphilology, Wayne State University School of Medicine
Department of Dermatology & Syphilology, Wayne State University School of Medicine
Digregorio Fiorino
Department Of Dermatology & Syphilology Wayne State University School Of Medicine
Aronson Peter
Department Of Dermatology & Syphilology Wayne State University School Of Medicine
Hashimoto Ken
Department Of Physiology Kawasaki Medical University
Hashimoto Ken
Department Of Dermatology & Syphilology Wayne State University School Of Medicine
Punwaney Juanita
Department Of Dermatology & Syphilology Wayne State University School Of Medicine
Hashimoto Ken
Department Of Cardiology National Hospital Organization Okayama Medical Center
Department o f Surgery, Kurume University School of Medicine
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