Purification and Characterization of a Novel Glycoprotein Which Has Significant Homology to Heavy Chains of Inter-α-Trypsin Inhibitor Family from Human Plasma
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1995-02-01
Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Shown University School of Medicine
Nakano Yasuko
Department of Phamacogenomics School of Phamaceutical Sciences Showa University
戸部 敞
Choi-miura Nam-ho
Department Of Physiological Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
SANO Yoshihiro
Department of Physiological Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
ODA Eiichi
Department of Physiological Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
TOBE Takashi
Department of Physiological Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Department of Third Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Showa University
Department of Third Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Showa University
Department of Physiological Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Takahashi Katsuhiko
Department of Physiological Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
Yamaguchi Tokio
Department Of Biochemical Genetics Medical Research Institute Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Nakano Yoshinori
Pharmaceutical Development Laboratories Pharmaceutical Production Division Takeda Chemical Industrie
Takahashi Katsuhiko
Department Of Physiological Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Katagiri Takashi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Choi‐miura N‐h
Department Of Physiological Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
冨田 昌弘
Department Of Physiological Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Tomita Motowo
Department Of Hygienic Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Oda Eiichi
Department Of Physiological Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Tobe Takashi
Department Of Biochemistry School Of Medicine Showa University
Nakano Yasuko
Dep. Of Pharmacogenomics School Of Pharmacy Showa Univ.
Nakano Yasuko
Department Of Medicinal Information School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Taniyama Matuo
Department Of Third Internal Medicine School Of Medicine Showa University
Sano Y
Department Of Physiological Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Sano Yoshihiro
Department Of Forest Science Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Takahashi K
Department Of Physiological Chemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
Sano Y
Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Nakano Yasuko
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
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