Comparison of Digestive and Absorptive Functions between Tiger Puffer and Red Sea Bream
Fisheries Laboratory of Kinki University
中村 元二
中村 元二
Kumai Hidemi
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Fisheries Laboratory, Kinki University
Fisheries Laboratory, Kinki University
UKAWA Masaharu
Ono Research and Laboratory, Technical Service Department, Marubeni Feed Co. Ltd
Takii Kenji
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Konishi K
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Ukawa M
Marubeni-nissin Feed Co. Ltd.
Ukawa Masaharu
Ono Research & Laboratory Technical Service Department Marubeni Feed Co. Ltd.
Fisheries Laboratory, Kinki University
- 飼料タンパク質含量がマハタの飼育成績, 蓄積率および筋肉カテプシン活性に及ぼす影響
- Construction of an expression vector containing a β-actin promoter region for gene transfer by microinjection in red sea bream Pagrus major
- Selective Breeding for Growth in Red Sea Bream
- 低水温期における養殖トラフグおよびマダイの体温
- 大豆トリプシンインヒビターに対するブリ消化機能の適応
- 大豆トリプシンインヒビターおよびエクストルーデッド大豆油粕に対するトラフグ消化機能の適応
- クロマグロ稚魚・成魚の配合飼料開発の動き (特集 転機を迎えるマグロ養殖)
- クロマグロおよびマサバ稚魚における消化率とエネルギー分配
- ビタミンC源であるアスコルビン酸-2-モノリン酸Mg^がイシダイの産卵に及ぼす効果
- マダイ配合飼料の給餌方法が飼育成績およびエネルギー収支に及ぼす影響
- ドコサヘキサエン酸および大豆レシチンの飼料添加とイシダイの産卵, 卵・親魚の脂肪酸組成・脂質クラス
- アユ用配合飼料への自己消化酵母Hansenula anomalaの利用
- アユ精子の凍結保存方法
- マダイにおける自己消化酵母タンパク質の栄養価
- マダイにおける自己消化酵母タンパク質の栄養価
- 戻し交雑魚マダイ♀×F_1(マダイ♀×チダイ♂)♂における飼料の至適タンパク質および糖質含量
- 戻し交雑魚マダイ♀×F_1 (マダイ♀×チダイ♂)♂の表皮 carotenoid および astaxanthin 含量 : 交雑による新タイ科養殖魚種の作出 III
- 戻し交雑種マダイ♀×F_1(マダイ♀×チダイ♂)♂の成長と栄養素代謝 : 交雑による新タイ科養殖魚種の作出-II
- マダイおよびチダイ間交雑魚の外部形態と筋線維直径 : 交雑による新タイ科養殖魚種の作出 I
- カンパチ仔魚期の体成分および消化酵素活性
- トラフグ, マダイおよびブリに対する糖負荷試験
- マダイ用配合飼料への酵母タンパクの利用
- 配合飼料
- クロマグロ稚魚におけるチリ魚粉の利用性
- マダイの消化吸収に及ぼす飼料大豆粕とフィターゼの影響
- 摂餌促進物質の添加がトラフグの成長および消化酵素分泌に及ぼす効果
- トラフグ用シングルモイストペレットに対する各種大豆タンパクの利用
- 絶食およびオキアミ給与マダイの産卵
- マダイの卵のふ化に及ぼすアミノ酸の効果
- 高孵化率および低孵化率マダイ卵の化学成分および酵素活性の比較
- トラフグ用シングルモイストペレットに対する各種蛋白源の利用
- トラフグ用シングルモイストペレットに対する大豆油粕の利用
- トラフグにおける数種のタンパク質の消化率
- 和歌山県浦神湾における海水中の従属栄養細菌群
- マスノスケの淡水及び海水飼育
- Necessity of dietary taurine supplementation for preventing green liver symptom and improving growth performance in yearling red sea bream Pagrus major fed nonfishmeal diets based on soy protein concentrate
- Growth and morphological development of larval and juvenile Epinephelus bruneus (Perciformes : Serranidae)
- Effect of dietary medicinal herbs on lipid metabolism and stress recovery in red sea bream Pagrus major
- Dietary utility of enzyme-treated fish meal for juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis
- Dietary medicinal herbs improve growth and some non-specific immunity of red sea bream Pagrus major
- Comparison of apparent digestibility coefficient among replicates and different stocking density in red sea bream Pagrus major
- Effect of fasting on physical/chemical properties of ordinary muscles in full-cycle cultured Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis during chilled storage
- マダイのエネルギー収支に及ぼす飼育塩分濃度と密度の影響
- Triacylglycerol and Phospholipid Contents in Developing Japanese Flounder Eggs
- Changes in Chemical Contents and Enzyme Activities during Embryonic Development of Bluefin Tuna
- Biochemical Phases in Embryonic Red Sea Bream Development
- Evaluation of Rapeseed Protein Concentration as Protein Source of Diet for Red Sea Bream
- Soybean Trypsin Inhibitors Inhibit Trypsin-like and Basic Proteinase Activities of Cultured-Fishes
- Ontogeny of digestive and immune system organs of larval and juvenile kelp grouper Epinephelus bruneus reared in the laboratory
- Effects of α-Tocopherol Levels in Extrusion Pellets on In vivo Lipid Peroxidation Levels and Antioxidant Activities in Cultured Yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata Injected with the Causative Bacteria of Fish Jaundice
- 昇温期浦神湾で観測された水温低下現象〔英文〕
- 浦神湾湾奥部において電燈下で採集したアユ仔稚魚について
- イシダイの成熟と産卵時期について
- キスの自然産卵について
- 金網いけすによるクロマグロおよびハガツオの飼育
- トラフグ養成親魚からの冬季および秋季採卵
- Hemolytic suppression roles of taurine in yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata fed non-fishmeal diet based on soybean protein
- Studies on the green liver in cultured red sea bream fed low level and non-fish meal diets : Relationship between hepatic taurine and biliverdin levels
- Identification of Feeding Stimulants for Tiger Puffer
- Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Ferulic Acid and γ-Oryzanol on Integument Color and Suppression of Oxidative Stress in Cultured Red Sea Bream, Pagrus major
- クロマグロ幼魚の飼育について
- Dietary medicinal herbs improve growth performance, fatty acid utilization, and stress recovery of Japanese flounder
- Anesthesia, fasting tolerance, and nutrient requirement of juvenile northern bluefin tuna
- Effect of dietary catechin and Spirulina on vitamin C metabolism in red sea bream
- Inhibitory modes of Kunitz and Bowman-Birk soybean trypsin inhibitors to tryptic and chymotryptic proteinases of tiger puffer and yellowtail
- Gustatory receptor responses in marbled rockfish Sebastiscus marmoratus
- Present state of bluefin tuna aquaculture in Japan (日韓・韓日第2回水産増養殖シンポジウム(要旨-1-))
- Stress response and energy metabolism in various tissues of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus exposed to hypoxic conditions
- Whole-body heat transfer coefficient and body temperature change of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis according to growth
- Reproduction between Oplegnathus fasciatus and O. punctatus, and fertility of their interspecies
- Effect of lysine and methionine supplementation to a soy protein concentrate diet for red sea bream Pagrus major
- Biliary Bile Salts Reduction in Red Sea Bream Fed on Soybean Meal Diet
- Role of taurine deficiency in inducing green liver symptom and effect of dietary taurine supplementation in improving growth in juvenile red sea bream Pagrus major fed non-fishmeal diets based on soy protein concentrate
- Influence of Feeding Rates on Digestion and Energy Flow in Tiger Puffer and Red Sea Bream
- Comparison of Digestive and Absorptive Functions between Tiger Puffer and Red Sea Bream
- Suitable Lipid Level in Brown Fish Meal Diet for Tiger Puffer
- Suitable Sugar Level in Brown Fish Meal Diet for Tiger Puffer
- Soybean meal can partially replace enzyme-treated fish meal in the diet of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis
- 大豆トリプシンインヒビターに対するマダイ消化機能の適応
- Rapid water temperature descent observed during the season of overall warming trends at Uragami Bay.
- カサゴに対する摂餌促進物質の同定