Soybean meal can partially replace enzyme-treated fish meal in the diet of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-07-01
Takaoka Osamu
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Takii Kenji
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Biswas Amal
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
BISWAS Biswajit
Fisheries Laboratory, Kinki University
ITO Junichi
Fisheries Laboratory, Kinki University
YAGI Norishige
Chubu Feed Co. Ltd.
ITOH Syunsuke
Chubu Feed Co. Ltd.
Biswas Biswajit
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Ito Junichi
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
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