川崎 紘一 | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
川崎 紘一
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
Kawasaki Keiko
Biological Science Laboratories Kao Corporation
川崎 紘一
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Cooperative Research Center Of Life Sciences Kobe Gakuin Un
前田 光子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
Maeda M
Department Of Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagasaki University:faculty Of Pharmac
Maeda Masatomo
Laboratory Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka Un
真弓 忠範
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
前田 光子
Life Science Center Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
川崎 紘一
Life Science Center Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
岡田 芳男
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-Gakuin University
金戸 洋
谷沢 修
並川 真知子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
山地 建二
川崎 知恵
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe-Gakuin University
谷沢 修
Osaka University Medical School
高木 哲
高木 哲
大阪大学 産婦人科
平瀬 克彦
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe-Gakuin University
谷沢 修
川崎 知恵
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
井口 伸
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
平瀬 克彦
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
並川 真知子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
濱 堯夫
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
山城 祐子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
高橋 正克
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagasaki University
金戸 洋
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagasaki University
山城 祐子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
高橋 正克
村上 智彦
神戸学院大学 薬
山本 譲
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kanazawa University
金戸 洋
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagasaki University 1-14 Bunkyocho Nagasaki
辻 俊樹
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe-Gakuin University
宮野 雅範
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe-Gakuin University
Yamamoto Y
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Toho University
岩本 雅博
Research Institute Daiichi Seiyaku Co. Ltd.
岩本 政博
Research Institute Daiichi Seiyaku Co.. Ltd.
辻 俊樹
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
宮野 雅範
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
Yamamoto Yoshio
Pharmaceutical Research Division Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd.
Yamamoto Y
浜 堯夫
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
山本 靖夫
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Toho University
井口 伸
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
矢島 治明
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
並川 眞知子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
山本 晋
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University
山地 建二
Osaka University Medical School
高木 哲
Osaka University Medical School
Showa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Yamamoto Shuhei
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Science Osaka City University
山本 晋
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka University
Yamamoto Y
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Yamamoto Y
Pharmaceutical Research Laboratory Hokuriku Seiyaku Co. Ltd.
矢島 治明
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
柳生 正見
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences:kobe-gakuin University
Yamamoto Shozo
Department Of Biochemistry Tokushima University School Of Medicine
Hama T
Pharmaceutical Development And Research Laboratories Teikoku Seiyaku Co. Ltd.
提 康央
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka University
津田 裕子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
柳生 正見
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
水田 豊彦
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
中川 晋作
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University
岩井 雄二
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
中尾 薫
中尾 薫
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagasaki University
杉田 長敏
Osaka University Medical School
村上 智洋
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
杉田 長敏
津田 裕子
沖中 深幸
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe-Gakuin University
杉田 長敏
杉田 長敏
中川 晋作
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
南 英男
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
渡辺 穣
神戸学院大学 薬
渡辺 穰
Department Of Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagasaki University
岩井 雄二
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
沖中 深幸
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
水田 豊彦
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
Iwai Y
Kitasato Institute For Life Sciences Kitasato University
南 英男
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
田口 武夫
小林 義郎
Tokyo College of Pharmacy
大田 憲哉
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
佐々木 秀明
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
北川 徳治郎
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
井上 幸恵
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
柿内 雅
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
伊豆野 康広
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
堤 康史
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University
村上 智彦
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
田口 武夫
Tokyo College of Pharmacy
山本 禎洋
Daikin Industries
下川 和弘
Daikin Industries
金戸 洋
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagasaki University
岡田 芳夫
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe-Gakuin University
桜井 弘
大田 憲哉
Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd. Ibaraki Research Laboratory
小林 義郎
奥貞 智
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
吉村 哲彦
(財) 山形県生物ラジカル研究所
井上 幸江
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
木曽 良明
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokushima
岡本 正夫
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
岩本 雅広
Research Institute, Daiichi Seiyaku Co., Ltd.,
谷 昇平
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe-Gakuin University
佐々木 秀明
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
溝上 業彬
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
木野村 保彦
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
河谷 紘樹
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
久保 一雄
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
山下 一郎
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
大島 孝夫
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
谷 昇平
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chiba University
谷 昇平
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
大島 孝夫
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
溝上 業彬
Central Research Division Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd.
堤 康史
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka University
北川 徳治郎
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
松本 達也
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
Taguchi T
Department Of Pathobiochemistry Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
田村 房子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
黒田 浩子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
渡辺 穣
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagasaki University
渡辺 穰
Japan and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagasaki University
金戸 洋
Japan and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagasaki University
井上 幸恵
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
桜井 弘
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokushima
杉山 延歳
Research Institute, Daiichi Seiyaku Co., Ltd.
木本 正七郎
Kyoto College of Pharmacy
越野 和義
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe-Gakuin University
浜 尭夫
神戸学院大学 薬
濱 堯夫
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
久保 一雄
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
大橋 澄子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
木野村 保彦
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
岡田 裕
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
堤 康央
伊豆野 康広
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
柿内 雅
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
宮野 雅則
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe-Gakuin University
井本 芳則
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe-Gakuin University
曽我部 真紀
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe-Gakuin University
越野 和義
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
田村 浩美
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe-Gakuin University
吉村 哲彦
The Environmental Science Institute of Hyogo Prefecture
畠山 悦司
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokushima
畠山 悦司
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokushima
田村 浩美
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
井本 芳則
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
黒田 浩子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
杉山 延歳
Research Institute Daiichi Seiyaku Co.. Ltd.
山下 一郎
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
曽我部 真紀
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XXVI. Laminin-Related Peptide Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Hybrids and Their Inhibitory Effect on Experimental Metastasis
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XXV. Preparation of Fibronectin-Related Peptide Poly(ethylene glycol) Hybrids and Their Inhibitory Effect on Experimental Metastasis
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XXI. Laminin-Related Peptide Analogs Including Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Hybrids and Their Inhibitory Effect on Experimental Metastasis
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XXIV. Preparation and Antinociceptive Effect of [D-Ala^2,(N-Me)Phe^4]Enkephalin Analog-Poly(Ethylene Glycol)Hybrids
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XXIII. Leu-Enkephalin Analogs Containing a Fluorinated Amino Acid at Position 2,4 or 5
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. VII. Preparation and Immunocharacteristics of Carboxyl-terminal Peptides of the β-Subunit of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. VI. Synthesis of a Tetratriacontapeptide corresponding to the C-Terminal Sequence 112-145 of the β-Subunit of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. V. Synthesis of a Triacontapeptide corresponding to the C-Terminal Sequence 116-145 of the β-Subunit of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. IV. Synthesis of a Hexadecapeptide corresponding to the C-Terminal Sequence 130-145 of the β-Subunit of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
- Synthesis of C-Terminal Peptides of the β-Subunit of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XXII. Preparation and Antinociceptive Effect of [D-Ala^2] Leu-Enkephalin-Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Hybrid
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XIX. Preparation of Enkephalin-Poly(ethylene glycol) Hybrid and Evaluation of Its Analgesic Activity
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XVII. Synthesis of Peptides Related to N-Terminal Portion of Fibrin α-Chain and Their Inhibitory Effect on Fibrinogen : Thrombin Clotting
- Synthesis of a Tetradecapeptide corresponding to Sequence 90-103 of Bovine Adrenodoxin
- Amino Acids and Peptides. I. Synthesis of a Model Peptide related to Iron-Sulfur Protein
- Synthesis of Two Heptapeptides corresponding to Sequences 50-56 and 90-96 of Adrenodoxin from Bovine Adrenal Cortex and Formation of Their Iron-Sulfur Complexes
- Studies on Peptides. XVI. Regeneration of Lysine from N^ε-Formyllysine by Aqueous Hydrazine or Hydroxylamine and Their Application to the Synthesis of α-Melanocyte-stimulating Hormone
- Synthesis of a Tetradecapeptide corresponding to Sequence 50-63 of Adrenodoxin from Bovine Adrenal Cortex and Formation of Its Iron-Sulfur Complex
- Facile Conversions of Carboxylic Acids into Amides, Esters, and Thioesters Using 1,1'-Oxalyldiimidazole and 1,1'-Oxalyldi(1,2,4-triazole)(Organic,Chemical)
- Amino Acids and Peptides. X. : Leu-Enkephalin Analogues Containing a Fluorinated Aromatic Amino Acid
- Amino Acids and Peptides. IX. : Synthetic Studies on Leu-Enkephalin Analogues Containing a Ureylene Bond
- Amino Acids and Peptides. VI. Synthesis of the N-Terminal Pentapeptide of α_2-Plasmin Inhibitor and Its Analogue
- Amino Acids and Peptides. VIII. : A Water-Soluble Active Ester, Phenolsulfonic Acid Derivative(Organic,Chemical)
- The Use of Boron Trifluoride Etherate for Debenzyloxycarbonylation of Methionine-containing Peptides by Catalytic Hydrogenolysis
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XX. Preparation of β-Cyclododecyl Aspartate and Its Application to Synthesis of Fibronectin- and Laminin-Related Peptides
- Studies on Peptides. XXVIII. Synthesis of the Docosapeptide which Embodies the Entire Amino Acid Sequence of β-Melanocyte-stimulating Hormone from Human Pituitary Gland
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XVI. Synthesis of N-Terminal Tetrapeptide Analogs of Fibrin α-Chain and Their Inhibitory Effects on Fibrinogen : Thrombin Clotting
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XIII. Synthetic Studies on N-Terminal Tripeptide Amide Analogs of Fibrin α-Chain
- Amino Acids and Peptides. V. Synthesis of Amino Acid Derivatives Containing a Sulfonamide Bond
- Amino Acids and Peptides. III. Synthesis of Model Peptides Related to Cytochrome P-450
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XVIII. Synthetic Peptides Related to N-Terminal Portion of Fibrin α-Chain and Their Inhibitory Effect on Fibrinogen/Thrombin Clotting