- 論文の詳細を見る
Aim of this research is to create a mechano-mechanism model of cell's reaction from macro viewpoint. In other words, the purpose is to build a base for mechanical system encapsulating knowledge processing. In this paper, a flow comparison valve using two circular cones and a string has been designed. This valve is used by putting its circular cones in two pipes, in which flow rate are different. It shut off the flow in the pipe, when flow rate is higher than the flow rate in the other pipe. The flow rate calculator in pipes of arbitrary circuit has been programmed and the circuit was putted into the graph as the mathematical model. Due to the calculator and the model, the conditions of current direction in pipes were derived. It has been proposed that how to decide the circuit structure, in which current direction is controllable, by changing the graph according to the condition. The circuit model of the paramecium's ciliary reversal reaction has been determined by the method. This circuit has been made by the pomp, the flow comparison valve, plastic blanched pipes and tubes. The water has been circulated in the pipes of this circuit, and it has been observed that the flow state of the circuit changed by the application of a stimulus. Due to the observation, it has been shown that this circuit model was correct as the model of the paramecium's ciliary reversal reaction.
遠藤 玄
福島 E.
成田 友紀
成田 友紀
山田 泰之
福島 E.
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