A Case of Hypouricemia due to Combined Reabsorption Defect
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Hypouricemia in a 41-year-old male is reported. His serum urate was 0.4-0.8 mg/dl Through laboratory studies and roentgenology, known causes other than renal tubular dysfunction were ruled out as a mechanism of his hypouricemia. Detailed clearance study was performed to clarify his urate homeostasis. His fractional excretion of urate (ratio of urate to creatinine clearance), exceeding 100% in the basal state, slightly increased to 114% by benzbromarone and decreased to 99% by the serial administration of pyrazinamide. This finding demonstrates that his hypouricemia was due to a combined type of renal urate reabsorption defect.<BR>We also reviewed 69 reported cases of renal hypouricemia and discussed the relevance of serum urate levels and types of tubular defects.
- Japanese Society of Gout and Nucleic Acid Metabolismの論文
花房 俊昭
中島 弘
河野 典夫
野中 共平
森脇 要
五味 正裕
嶺尾 郁夫
伊藤 秀彦
鷲見 誠一
垂井 清一郎
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