- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1997-04-25
- 司会のことば
- 集団検診における痛風, 無症候性高尿酸血症の経時的変化 : 3年間の縦断的観察
- 高尿酸血症と心血管性疾患 (特集 痛風・高尿酸血症の診療ガイド)
- イノシンとヒポキサンチン
- 図説臨床検査-94-乳酸・ピルビン酸
- CSII(持続皮下インスリン注入療法)の実際と指導 (糖尿病の自己管理と指導)
- 低血糖症の診断におけるグルカゴンの応用 (グルカゴンの生理と臨床--最近の進歩)
- 脳の糖代謝と低血糖 (低血糖症) -- (病態生理)
- 糖尿病眼合併症をもつ患者に対するチーム医療と患者教育に関する実態調査II : 教育に携わる看護婦の現状
- 糖尿病眼合併症をもつ患者に対するチーム医療と患者教育に関する実態調査I : 糖尿病患者教育に対する医療チームの現状
- 司会のことば
- 甲状腺機能低下性ミオパチーにおける運動筋のプリン体分解亢進について
- 代謝疾患
- 糖原病--糖原病5型(McArdle病) (先天性代謝病・免疫病ハンドブック) -- (糖質代謝異常)
- 二次性高尿酸血症 (特集 高尿酸血症と痛風)
- 糖原病 (本邦臨床統計集--診療に必須の情報・数値--内分泌・代謝系疾患)
- Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type Iの1症例
- 腎性低尿酸血症を有し再発性下腿潰瘍に自家植皮術が有効であった48, XXYY症候群の1例
- Phosphofructokinase lsozyme: Studies on Liver Phosphofructokinase
- Two brothers with hereditary xanthinuria due to xanthine oxidase deficiency
- Molecular biological approaches to the mechanism of myogenic hyperuricemia: analysis of the primary structure and the genomic structure of muscle - type isozyme of human phosphofructokinase
- A family of hereditary xanthinuria: Two siblings with peptic ulcer and hypouricemia due to xanthine oxidase deficinecy, and a heterozygote(father) with gout.
- Hypouricemia associated with hyperoxypurinemia due to altered renal handling - Analysis by probenecid - and pyrazinamide - loading tests
- Purine Degradation in Contracting Fast and Slow Muscle
- Enhanced purine degradation in muscles of patients with hypoparathyroidism
- Effect of Parathyroid Function on the Uric Acid Metabolism in a Case of Primary Gout Associated with Parathyroid Adenoma and Renal Cell Carcinoma
- Studies on the Abnormal Metabolism of Uric Acid in Massively Obese Patients:Remarkable Impairment of Renal Urate Excretion and Its Improvement by Low - calorie Diet
- Studies on the Metabolism of Purine Nucleotide in Massive Obese Subjects:(I) Changes of Serum Uric Acid during Intensive Weight Reduction
- Effect of Daily Consumption Dose of Ethanol on the Ethanol Induced Hyperuricemia
- A Contribution of Hepatic Purine Degradation Induced by Hypoglycemia to the Development of Hyperuricemia in Glycogen Storage Disease Type I
- Treatment of myogenic hyperuricemia:Effects of glucose infusion and allopurinol administration on purine metabolism in patients with muscular glycogenoses
- Hereditary and Acquired Erythrocyte Phosphofructokinase Deficiency
- Metabolic Disturbance in Phosphofructokinase Deficient Erythrocytes of Glycogenosis VII
- Diabetes Mellitus and2, 3-DPG
- A case of renal hypouricemia associated with increased plasma oxypurine concentration due to its decreased excretion
- Overproduction of oxypurines through myogenic and hepatogenic mechanisms
- Pathogenesis of Hyperuricemia in Type VII Glycogenosis:an accelerated purine degradation in exercising muscle
- A case of renal hypouricemia with Parkinsonism
- Studies on the lipid and lipoprotein levels in gout and asymptomatic hyperuricemia -The possible role of serum apoprotein B containing lipoproteins in preventing the occurrence of gouty attack
- Systematic Diagnosis of Myopathy due to Muscle Glycogenosis
- Molecular Basis of Myogenic Hyperuricemia:Analysis of Tissue-specific Expression of Phosphofructokinase-M Gene Transcripts
- A Case of Renal Hypouricemia Associated with XXYY Syndrome
- Treatment of Myogenic Hyperuricemia:Allopurinol Effects in Muscle Phosphofructokinase Deficiency
- A Case of Hypouricemia due to Combined Reabsorption Defect
- Three cases of renal hypouricemia
- Hyperuricemia associated with familial hypercholesterolemia
- Family study of hereditary xanthine (xanthine oxidase deficiency ):increased urinary excretions of xanthine and hypoxanthine in heterozygotes and association with gout in a heterozygote
- Exercise- induced alteration of erythrocyte glycolysis -Its relation to accelerated degradation of muscular adenine nucleotides
- 筋原性高尿酸血症:ATP代謝回転とプリン代謝
- Pathogenesis of Hyperuricemia in Glycogenosis Type VII:a contribution of an exaggerated degradation of purine nucleotides in exercising muscle
- Adult Case of Glycogenosis Type I with Hyperuricemia
- Myogenic Hyperuricemia: a novel mechanism of hyperuricemia found in type VII glycogenosis
- Enzyme Defects in Erythrocytes