Proper management of hyperuricemia and gout::investigation into general practitioners and comparison with the consensus statement by the Japan Purine and Pyrimidine Association Meeting 1996.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Hyperuricemia is frequently associated with multiple risk factor clustering syndrome, and consequently, carries a potential risk of cardiovascular disease. We previously reported on the Consensus Conference on Management of Hyperuricemia and Gout in Japan (February,1996). The present study examined trends in the management of hyperuricemia by general practitioners in contrast to that of the specialists using an anonymous questionnaire. Proper guidelines were shown to be necessary for general practitioners, who do not possess any definite criteria for serum urate levels in managing hyperuricemia. We consider that there are needs for lifelong therapy, theim portance of evaluating renal urate handling status, that urine alkalization is beneficial, and the need for laboratory examination with consideration to cardiovascular events. We specialists, therefore, should emphasige the neccessity of uniform methods of managing a hyperuricemia in daily practice.
- Japanese Society of Gout and Nucleic Acid Metabolismの論文
松澤 佑次
花房 俊昭
浜口 朋也
中島 弘
中島 弘
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