ブル-ギルに寄生していたUrocleidus ferox(単生目)〔英文〕
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A monogenean parasite was found on the gills of bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) taken from the Chizuka Pond in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, in 1978. The parasite was identified as Urocleidus ferox, MUELLER 1934 according to the taxonomical keys of PRICE and MCMAHON (1967) and referring to the description of Onchocleidus mucronatus (synonym of U. ferox) made by MIZELLE (1938). The finding worthy of special mention is the vas deferens of the present species loops around the intestinal crus in contradiction to the YAMAGUTI's key of diagnosing the genus Urocleidus. This is the first record of this monogenean parasite in Japan, and it was considered that the parasite had been introduced from North America simultaneously with the introduction of bluegills.
- 日本水産學會の論文
室賀 清邦
吉松 隆夫
笠原 正五郎
吉松 隆夫
室賀 清邦
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