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In order to elucidate mechanism of depression of the lipid accumulation by Chlorella vulgaris extract supplementation in ayu Plecoglossus altivelis, feed oil and Chlorella-extract were supple-mented to a commercial diet and the effects were evaluated biochemically and histologically.Supplementation of feed oil promoted growth, but was not useful for improvement of feed conversion efficiency nor protein efficiency ratio. Furthermore, lipid accumulation in muscle was accelerated as the dietary lipid increased.The Chlorella-extract tended to suppress accumulation of lipid in muscle. The fat cell size of intraperitoneal fat body and imperfect interneural spine flesh which were susceptible to dietary lipid level was changed by the Chlorella-extract. The Chlorella-extract seemed to compensate the evil effect of dietary lipid such as excessive accumulation of the reserved lipids. The phenomena observed suggested that nutrients such as dietary protein and lipid were made full use of the essen-tial role, in the presence of the Chlorella-extract.
- 日本水産學會の論文
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