- 論文の詳細を見る
The relation between the individual life history characteristics and the population growth in a rotifer Brachionus plicatilis is discussed, The population growth rates (r) in three different strains of the rotifer calculated theoretically from observed individual life history characteristics, embryonic developmental time, duration of pre-reproductive, reproductive and post-reproductive phase, and number of offspring, is presented. The observed characteristics varied between different strains. Due to these differences, the calculated population growth rate between 15 days and 20 days after the inoculation of one freshly laid egg varied from 0.30 to 0.46. The major factors which in-fluence the population growth rate seem to be spawning interval. Increasing the number of off-spring from one individals and the number of reproductive individuals would not bring about the desired increase in the population growth rate as well as the shortening of developmental time and spawning interval.
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