マダイ稚魚からの Vibrio anguillarum の分離
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Although vibrioses caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. alginolyticus and some other unnamed vibrios have been reported in reared juvenile or farmed red sea-bream (Pagrus major), V. anguillarum infection of the fish species has never been reported so far in Japan.<BR>In June 1981, V. anguillarum was isolated from reared juvenile red sea-bream (average body length 17 mm) às a cause of an epidemic outbreak in a hatchery. At the same time, other two strains which had been isolated from the same fish species at another hatchery in 1978 were also identified as V. anguillarum.<BR>The infection caused by the organism seems to be one of the significant diseases in artificial seed production of red sea-bream.
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- ヒラメ鰭由来の一細胞系〔英文〕
- マダイ稚魚からの Vibrio anguillarum の分離
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- Vibrio anguillarum infection in tiger puffer (Takifugu rubripes) firgerlings.