- 論文の詳細を見る
We found another type of protinase-independent modori phenomenon different from the ordinary type which we reported previously. In the case of this type of modori, gel-degrada-tion occured more severely the greater the temperature rise from 50°C to 85°C, while in the ordinary type it occurred evenly in a temperature range between 50°C and 85°C. These two types of modori seemed to be related to the magnitude of post mortem fall in muscle pH of the fish, because sardine muscle causing an extraordinary type of modori was found to have higher gel-forming ability, lower lactic acid content, and a higher value of muscle pH than those causing an ordinary type of modori. The presumption was proved positively by the fact that sardine mince in prerigor state treated by soaking in acidic saline water (0.3% NaCl, pH 5.8-6.0) had the ordinary type of modori, while the mince treated with neutral saline water (0.15% NaCl, pH 6.8) had the extraordinary type of modori.
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