- 論文の詳細を見る
Stems and leaves from satsuma mandarin trees bearing different crop loads were sampled during the year and analyzed for osmotic concentration, soluble solids and water content in the expressed sap. Seasonal fluctuation in the specific gravity and concentration of water extract of tissue powder in leaves and stems were also examined. The following results were observed.1) With respect to leaves, high positive simple and partial correlations were established between osmotic value and soluble solids content, while conversely, a negative but high simple correlation was found between osmotic value and water content. Hence, it seems that osmotic value of the sap is dominantly affected by the soluble solids content. Higher correlation ship was detected between these variables in alternate bearing trees than in annual bearers.2) With stems, positive simple and partial correlations were found between the osmotic concentration and soluble solids content in the expressed sap in the annual bearing trees but not in the biennial bearers. Their values were lower for stems than for leaves from the same trees. No correlation existed between the osmotic value of stem sap and the water content.3) Comparison between water and soluble solids contents of leaves revealed a negative simple correlation, whereas in stems, both negative simple and partial correlations existed. Thus, it is concluded that the soluble solids content of the sap in the stem is greatly influenced by the water content.4) Evaluation of environmental factors revealed that high negative correlations existed between osmotic value of leaf sap and both dry and wet-bulb temperatures (°C), the latter being higher than the former. This finding indicates that the osmotic value of the leaf is governed in part by the vapor pressure deficit or relative humidity of the atmosphere. Although no such distinct correlation was found in the stem samples, a negative one was recognized between the osmotic value and the amount of precipitation. Hence, it appears that humidity in the soil or atmosphere affects the osmotic values of the sap in the stem.5) Comparison of seasonal changes in specific gravity of tissue powder obtained from bearing and non-bearing shoots revealed that no difference existed between leaves from these shoots collected on the same dates, whereas the specific gravity of non-bearing stems was consistently higher than that of bearing ones especially in the summer and fall months.6) The seasonal trends in total carbohydrate and nitrogen contents in young satsuma mandarin shoots expressed as percentage dry weight were paralleled to those in specific gravity of the powdered tissue. Hence a high positive correlation was found to exist between these variables.7) In the leaves, a low positive simple correlation was found between the specific gravity of tissue powder and the solute ratio, but not in the stems.8) Slight differences of the concentrations of water extracts obtained from powdered leaves were observed between non-bearing and bearing shoots. However, the concentrations of stem extracts from non-bearing shoots were noticeably higher than those from bearing ones from summer to winter.
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