- 論文の詳細を見る
To examine a possible role of "fibrogenic factor", a kind of lymphokines, that enhances the collagen production by fibroblasts in the mechanism of hepatic fibrosis in chronic hepatitis, we devised a simplified 1-step method instead of the previously reported, standard 2-step method.The activity of the fibrogenic factor (fibrogenic activity, FA) was assayed by adding both peripheral lymphocytes and liver specific lipoprotein (Meyer zum Büschenfelde's LSP) at the same time to L929 fibroblast culture system.FA was assayed in 9 patients with chronic active hepatitis (CAH), 7 patients with chronic inactive hepatitis (CIH) and 8 healthy persons by both this simplified 1-step method and the standard 2-step method to ascertain the reliability of the 1-step method. The findings matched well in 22 out of 24 (92%) of these cases.Next, FA was assayed by the 1-step method in a larger number of subjects. FA was detected in 8 of 12 (67%) patients with CAH, in 4 of 16 (25%) patients with CIH and in none of the 8 healthy persons. The positive frequency of FA in each group assayed by the 1-step method was similar to that by the 2-step method. The positive frequency of FA in CAH was significantly higher (p<0.01) as compared with healthy persons by the 1-step method as well as the 2-step method.The above data suggest that "fibrogenic factor" may have a significant role in the mechanism of hepatic fibrosis in chronic active hepatitis, and that the relative simplicity of the 1-step method has proved to be clinically useful in detecting the fibrogenic factor.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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- Reversal of portal blood flow in a case of primary hepatocellular carcinoma demonstrated by the ultrasonic pulse Doppler method during short clinical course.
- Small liver cancer を合併した小網リンパ管腫の1例
- Measurement of serum MP-A11 in patients with cancer of digestive organs.
- A new pancreatic ductal cell antigen prepared by a monoclonal antibody.
- Pressure of the papillary sphincter zone and pancreatic main duct in patients with alcoholic and idiopathic chronic pancreatitis.
- Circadian rythms of the pancreatic ductal pressure and E.M.G. of the papillary sphincter in Japanese monkey.
- A new gastrointestinal-specific antigen prepared by a monoclonal antibody.
- 肝内線維化を修飾する新しいlymphokineの検索(速報)
- ワークショップ(2)「やせ」
- 司会者のことば
- タイトル無し
- Increased production of Interleukin 1 by peripheral monocytes activated with biliary antigen immune complex in primary biliary cirrhosis.
- The preliminary study on an attempt to remove hepatitis B surface antigen with double filtration plasmapheresis.
- Expression of cellular oncogenes and their possible roles in liver regeneration.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- A simulation study on the removal efficiency of hepatitis B surface antigen in double filtration plasmapheresis.
- Measurement of pancreatic main ductal pressure and myoelectrical study of papillary sphincter in monkeys.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Study on the role of estrogen in rat liver regeneration.
- Measurement of portal blood flow in the patients with obstructive jaundice using a pulsed Doppler system.
- タイトル無し
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