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To keep eggs fresh for a comparatively long time, we processed eggs with an oily emulsion prepared by dispersing liquid paraffin containing a small amount of non-ionic surface active agents in about 6 times volume of water. The effects of this processing were examined as follows. At first, processed eggs were incubated at 27°C for 20, 30 and 40 days, respectively, and then measured for (1) the loss in weight, (2) pH of albumen, (3) yolk index (depthl/width), (4) the weight of dense albumen contents, and (5) phosphorus contents in albumen, the bacterial count in yolk and albumen being taken at the same time. The following results were obtained. (1) The loss in weight was much smaller in the processed eggs than in non-processed control eggs. (2) The value of pH in albumen was kept constant for the stored period. (3) The decrease in yolk index was much slower in the processed eggs than in the control eggs. (4) The amount of dense albumen was kept apparently unchanged for the stored period. (5) The phosphorus content in the albumen of the processed egg gradually increased in the stored period. but the increasing ratio was smaller than that of the control eggs. (6) The bacterial count showed no remarkable increase. No pathogenic bacteria were observed. These results suggest that this simple procedure is an excellent method to keep eggs in fresh conditions for a relatively long time.
- 社団法人 日本畜産学会の論文
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