S151014 車椅子操縦者のモデル定義と同定([S15101]人の生活を支援するロボットシステム(1))
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When directing rehabilitation for a patient, it would be more effective to give the appropriate minimal assistance that avoids the patient becoming completely dependent to assistive devices. The objective of our research is to provide a quantitative evaluation method for a patient that can precisely determine which ability factor of the patient needs to be assisted. The defined wheelchair driver model can be used to focus on the outlying parameter that a certain patient possesses, by comparing the model identified as the patient and other drivers. As a first step in attempt to define the driver model, we implemented a measurement system on a pedal-powered wheelchair in order to observe paths that a driver would take. A reverse S-shaped slalom course was constructed as the measurement environment, and six healthy test drivers were selected for three trials each. In this report, we analyze the measurement data focusing on the driving time and velocity in order to observe how first-time drivers improve throughout the trials as well as comparison to the experienced driver.
- 2011-09-11
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