255 三次元加振台の振動と運動の制御に関する研究
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This paper presents a new method for motion and vibration control of a three-dimensional flexible shaking table. The shaking table needs to be lightweight in order to exactly reproduce earthquake waves and a variety of input signals. However, elastic modes then appear on the shaking table while operated in the frequency region. It is therefore important to simultaneously control the motion and vibration of the shaking table. The purpose of the research is to control the vibration and motion of a shaking table using the reduced order modeling technique and LQ and LQI control theory. The modeling procedure and control design are described. Control simulations on the discrete model are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. Experimental work is presented in order to demonstrate a final verification.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-09-16
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