- 論文の詳細を見る
A kind of true fungus was isolated from the foci of the granular dermatitis of horses in Kyushu districts, and it was assumed to be a species belonging to class Phycomycetes, family Mortierellacease. The nutritional requirements of this fungus were studied and some of the results obtained are summarized as follows : 1) This fungus can utilize collagen and keratin as sources of carbon and/or nitrogen. Moreover, it has an ability to liquefy gelation. 2) Urea and ammonium sulfate are utilized by this fungus, while both nitrite-and nitratenitrogen are not utilized. Growth is most rapid and extensive, with peptone. This superiority of peptone can not be overtaken by various amino acids. 3) This fungus can utilize both glucose and glycogen as an excellent source of carbon, and can also utilize maltose and fructose. But it can not utilize sucrose and lactose. Animal inoculations of this fungus were carried, and the results are summarized as follows : 1) Subcutaneous inoculations of hyphae carried into rabbits resulted in nodules at the site of inoculation. 2) Intramuscular inoculations of the same hyphae carried into seven rabbits including three treated with cortisone and alloxan resulted in inflammatory masses. These masses usually consisted of necrotic tissues, surrounded by zones of polymorphonuclear leucocytes, giant cells, and fibroblasts. Another type of lesion is abscess-formation. These masses were formed in all muscles injected, and also in the mediae of aorta (4 cases), kidneys (1 case), corium, peritoneum, and superrenal body (1 case). The same fungus could be recovered from lesions by culture on Sabouraud's agar and hyphae were found in all of the above-mentioned lesions by histological examinations. 3) Inoculations by cardiocentisis into ten rabbits resulted in inflammatory masses and nine of them died within three weeks after the inoculation. These masses were found in the kidney, liver, lung, aorta, and mucosae of intestine. The tissue reactions were characterized by necrosis, polymorphonuclear and giant cells response, and granulation. Hyphae were proved in and around the necrotic areas of all lesions by histological and microbiological examinations. Besides, it seemed to be of not a small interest that the mycotic lesions developed in the mediae of aorta in 4 of 7 cases inoculated intramuscularly and in 2 of 10 cases inoculated intracardialy. 4) Intraperitoneal inoculation into 4 rabbits also, resulted in the lesions similar to those above-stated ones. These lesions were found in the peritoneum, diaphragm, and liver. By histological and microbiological examinations, the similar results were obtained. 5) Subcutaneous inoculations into horses resulted in the marked swelling, followed by nodule formation at the site of the inoculation. The lesions were characterized by necrosis, appearance of polymorphonuclear cells (especially eosinophils) and granulation. From above-mentioned results, it was recognized that this fungus was pathogenic for rabbits and horses. The present investigation suggests conclusively that the granular dermatitis of horses (in a broad sense) involves the cutaneous phycomycosis (a mycotic eosinophilic necrotic dermatitis).
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1969-02-15
- 「ささみ」の生食における細菌汚染の問題について
- 市販食肉の衛生細菌学的検索
- Aspergillus fumigatusによるとみられる食鶏の皮膚炎について
- 247 Aspergillus fumigatusによるとみられる食鶏の皮膚炎について (公衆衛生学分科会)(第69回日本獣医学会)
- 病巣に真菌の認められる馬の顆粒性皮膚炎についてII
- 病巣に真菌の認められる馬の顆粒性皮膚炎について
- 153 病巣に真菌の認めらる馬の顆粒性皮膚炎について (第61回日本獣医学会記事)
- 147 魚肉混入ソーセージと獣肉ソーセージの鑑別法としてのトリメチルアミンオキサイドの応用について
- 3 食品冷蔵の衛生学的研究 : I. 食肉用冷蔵庫の環境について II. 冷蔵枝肉よりえた好気性細菌及びかび類についての二、三の知見
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