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小児領域に多く,しかも我が国に発症率の高い紫斑病性腎炎について,臨床病理学的に検討した。対象は腎生検を施行し得た,2.2才から15.1才迄の男児28例,女児11例の39症例である。全例,Schoenlein-Henoch typeの紫斑病に腎炎を合併した症例である。39症例に対し追跡腎生検を含め52回の腎生検が施行された。全症例の臨床病理学的分類はTable 1,Table 10のごとくであるが,半月体形成を伴う糸球体の荒廃像が全糸球体の6割以上を占め,しかも臨床病態像がネフローゼ型を呈したものは予後不良であった。39症例中,腎移植に迄移行したものは2例,透析中死亡したもの1例,腎不全に移行しつつあるものは3例である。それ以外は4年以内にほとんどの症例が治癒もしくは臨床的に軽快している。昨今,本疾患はimmune complex type腎炎であるとして,注目され臨床病理学的に再検討の時期にあるが,少なくとも腎生検が施行され進行性腎炎の疑いがある場合は積極的治療(ステロイド剤を含めた免疫抑制剤の多剤少量併用治療)の対象になると考えられた。
- 北里大学の論文
- 1978-02-28
酒井 糾
KASAI Noriaki
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, School of Medicine Kitasato University
YOSHIDA Shigehiko
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University
Tanaka Toshio
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
酒井 糾
Department of Urology, Kitasato University School of Medicine.
Adjei Sowah
Department of Child Health, University of Ghana Medical School, Africa.
Igarashi Muneo
Department of Pediatrics, Kitasato University School of Medicine.
Chen Tou-Hwei
Department of Pediatrics, National Taiwan University, School of Medicine.
Yoshida Shigehiko
Department Of Pediatrics Kitasato University School Of Medicine.
Yoshida Shigehiko
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Shin-katsushika Hospital
Adjei Sowah
Department Of Child Health University Of Ghana Medical School Africa.
Kasai Noriaki
Department Of Orthopedic Surgery School Of Medicine Kitasato University
Chen Tou-hwei
Department Of Pediatrics National Taiwan University School Of Medicine Repubulic Of Chaina.
Igarashi Muneo
Department Of Pediatrics Kitasato University School Of Medicine.
Tanaka Toshio
Department Of Cardiology Matsusaka Central General Hospital
Tanaka Toshio
Department Of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences Graduate School Of Health Sciences Tokyo Medical And De
Tanaka Toshio
Department Of Pathology Kitasato University School Of Medicine.
Tanaka Toshio
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo University
Kasai Noriaki
Department of Pediatrics, Kitasato University, School of Medicine.
Tanaka Toshio
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Univeristy
- 第13回:老人における高度の浮腫,蛋白尿,異蛋白血症と低血圧
- 第6回:慢性腎不全と下血により死亡したSLEの一症例
- 人工透析療法 : 北里大学腎センター昭和47年度報告
- 北里大学医学部における購入ウサギの側彎症発症率について(1997-1999年)
- (6)Thromboxane-A_2 Induced Calcium Mobilization and Phosphoinositide Turnover in Cultured Rat Aorta Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells(一般演題,第15回北里医学会総会抄録)
- (5)死体腎移植における移植後の血液透析 : 特に移植腎機能との関わりについて(一般演題,第18回北里医学会総会抄録)
- Biliary atresia with associated complicated anorectal and urogenital malformations
- (2)小児期腎炎における免疫抑制療法(一般演題(A),第2回北里医学会総会抄録)
- (8)CAPD 患者における腎移植(移植,II.臓器移植,第11回代用臓器研究総会抄録)
- (7)生体腎移植142例の経験(III. 臓器移植,第9回代用臓器研究総会抄録)
- 腎移植の臨床研究(中課題II「代用臓器」)
- 腎疾患患者の尿蛋白の免疫学的研究(中課題II「代用臓器」)
- 人工透析療法(北里大学腎センター昭和46年度報告)
- Usefulness of FDG-microPET for early evaluation of therapeutic effects on VX2 rabbit carcinoma
- Emergency Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting under a Beating-Heart
- Coronary Artery Aneurysm Associated with Fistula in Adults : Collective Review and a Case Report
- 出血ショックの1例(外科系臨床検討会)
- Elastic Stiffness Constants of Cadmium Sulfide
- (9)腎移植患者における妊娠および出産例についての検討(移植,II.臓器移植,第11回代用臓器研究総会抄録)
- (5)移植腎への原疾患の再発について(II.臓器移植,第10回代用臓器研究総会抄録)
- Imatinib mesylate inhibited rat adjuvant arthritis and PDGF-dependent growth of synovial fibroblast via interference with the Akt signaling pathway
- Suppressor of cytokine signaling-1 ameliorates dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice
- Preventative Effect of a Flavonoid, Enzymatically Modified Isoquercitrin on Ocular Symptoms of Japanese Cedar Pollinosis
- Flavonoids and Related Compounds as Anti-Allergic Substances
- Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis Type I with Good Clinical and Histologic Response : Spontaneous Remission or Steroid-Induced?
- Vegetarian Diet Ameliorates Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis through Reduction of the Number of Peripheral Eosinophils and of PGE2 Synthesis by Monocytes
- Distal Sodium Reabsorption in Childhood Primary RTA-1
- Kidney Transplant Nephrotic Syndrome with Minimal Histologic Change in Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis: Clinical Recurrence?
- 腎不全病態と成長障害(第61回北里医学会例会講演抄録)
- (10)血液浄化治療における低分子蛋白質の挙動について(II.人工臓器,第7回代用臓器研究総会抄録)
- 移植腎の摘除を余儀なくされた腎移植例"紫斑病性腎炎の再発"
- 小児期ネフローゼ症候群の治療
- 紫斑病性腎炎の臨床病理学的検討
- テンコフの留置腹膜カテーテルによる小児腎不全の治療
- X.小児腎移植の諸問題(移植免疫課題)
- 長期透析患者のアミノ酸バランス (人工透析療法(北里大学腎センター昭和47年度報告))
- 諸種透析装置の比較検討および新しい血液透析技術の導入 (人工透析療法(北里大学腎センター昭和47年度報告))
- 長期透析例の検討 (人工透析療法(北里大学腎センター昭和47年度報告))
- はじめに (人工透析療法(北里大学腎センター昭和47年度報告))
- 小児透析の問題点について (人工透析療法(北里大学腎センター昭和46年度報告))
- 透析患者の管理について (人工透析療法(北里大学腎センター昭和46年度報告))
- 透析装置の種類と透析に伴う諸問題 (人工透析療法(北里大学腎センター昭和46年度報告))
- 各患者に見られた尿毒症症状 (人工透析療法(北里大学腎センター昭和46年度報告))
- 治療の対象となった症例 (人工透析療法(北里大学腎センター昭和46年度報告))
- はじめに (人工透析療法(北里大学腎センター昭和46年度報告))
- (6) 小児での CAPD 療法の経験 : Mass transfer からみた効率の検討(一般演題,第9回北里医学会総会講演抄録)
- 第7回 劇症型リウマチ熱の1例
- Close Radiographic Landmarks for Spinal Cord Localization in Treatment of Thoracic Malignancy
- Monitoring of Respiratory Movement of the Diaphragm for Gated Radiotherapy
- Inhomogeneity Correction in Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer in Multicenter Clinical Trials
- Radiation Pneumonitis following Multi-Field Radiation Therapy
- Patterns of Recurrence after Complete Remission with Definitive Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Malignant Glioma
- Phase II Study of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy with Use of Uneven Fractionation for the Treatment of Glioblastoma
- CT and MR imaging of cerebral tuberous sclerosis
- Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and Type 2: review of the central nervous system and related structures
- Irreversible Deacylation of Plasma Membrane Phospholipids by the Combined Action of Mg^ and a Long-Chain Acyl-CoA Synthetase Inhibitor in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- UK-2A, B, C and D, Novel Antifungal Antibiotics from Streptomyces sp. 517-02 IV. Comparative Studies of UK-2A with Antimycin A_3 on Cytotoxic Activity and Reactive Oxygen Species Generation in LLC-PK1 Cells
- Non-small cell lung cancer : radiation therapy for locoregional recurrence after complete resection
- Proteomics-based identification of α-enolase as a tumor antigen in non-small lung cancer
- Preliminary experience with a modified premedication protocol that included intravenous diphenhydramine and calcium bromide for the prophylaxis of paclitaxel-related hypersensitivity reactions
- Autoimmune Acquired Form of Angioedema that Responded to Danazol Therapy
- P-502 Structure-Activity Relationship Studies on UK-2A, A Novel Antifungal Antibiotic from Streptomyces sp. 517-02
- P-368 Identification of Phoslactomycin E as a Metabolite Inducing Hyphal Morphological Abnormalities of Aspergillus fumigatus IFO 5840
- Involvement of Oxidative Stress Induction in Na^+ Toxicity and Its Relation to the Inhibition of a Ca^-Dependent but Calcineurin-Independent Mechanism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Biosynthesis of Poly-γ-Glutamic Acid in Plants : Transient Expression of Poly-γ-Glutamate Synthetase Complex in Tobacco Leaves(PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Proposals for Wastewater Treatment by Applying Flocculating Activity of Cross-linked Poly-γ-Glutamic Acid(Environmental Biotechnology)
- Physicochemical Properties of Cross-linked Poly-γ-Glutamic Acid and Its Flocculating Activity against Kaolin Suspension (Environmental Biotechnology)
- Oxidative Stress-Dependent Inhibition of Yeast Cell Growth by Farnesylamine and Its Possible Relation to Amine Oxidase in the Mitochondrial Fraction(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 腎移植について : Dr. R. A. Straffonをかこんで
- Synergistic Combination of Direct Plasma Membrane Damage and Oxidative Stress as a Cause of Antifungal Activity of Polyol Macrolide Antibiotic Niphimycin
- Depletion of Glutathione as a Cause of the Promotive Effects of Polygodial, a Sesquiterpene on the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Synthesis of Uridine 5'-Monophosphate Glucose as an Inhibitor of UDP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase
- Phase I study of weekly cisplatin, vinorelbine, and concurrent thoracic radiation therapy in patients with locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer
- A Single Institutional Subset Analysis of the WJLCG Study Comparing Concurrent and Sequential Chemoradiotherapy for Stage III Non-small-cell Lung Cancer
- Purification and Characterization of Poly(γ-glutamic acid) Hydrolase from a Filamentous Fungus, Myrothecium sp. TM-4222
- Screening for Microorganisms Having Poly(γ-glutamic acid) Endohydrolase Activity and the Enzyme Production by Myrothecium sp. TM-4222
- Revascularization Using Satellite Vein after Radial Artery Harvested for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
- IS-27 Living-related intestinal transplantation for a patient with hypoganglionosis(International Session V)
- Bronchial and nasal responsiveness in atopic asthma and allergic rhinitis patients: Relationship of local responsiveness to cytokine production by peripheral blood monounclear cells
- P1-IS-87 Prevalence of virus DNAs in the sperm and urine of healthy men
- Analysis of cytokine-driven serum amyloid A expression based on the clinical results of IL-6 blocking therapy : a new cis-acting mechanism of STAT3
- Purification and Characterization of Tora-mame (Phaseolus vulgaris) Seed Calmodulin(Biological Chemistry)
- Changes in Renal Osteodystrophy and Skeletal Complications after Renal Transplantation in Children
- Does the Stomach Remain Silent after Neonatal Loss of Its Original Pacemaker? : Gastric Motility in Long-Term Survivors of Neonatal Gastric Rupture
- Minimal influence of tocilizumab on IFN-γ synthesis by tuberculosis antigens
- Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass : Early Results
- P-IS-6 Change of human papillomavirus type 16 DNA level in women with cytological abnormality(Oncology 2,Group 89,International Session)
- Quantification of human papillomavirus type 16 DNA in pregnant and non-pregnant women with or without cytological abnormality and cervical cancer(Oncology 7)
- A case of Mikulicz's disease with Th2-biased cytokine profile : possible feature discriminable from Sjogren's syndrome
- Methylprednisolone Pulse Therapy in Treatment of Renal Disease in Children; Its Suppressive Effect for Lymphocyte and Correlation in Clinical Status
- Pulse Therapy on Lupus Nephritis in Children
- Purification and Characterization of Geranylgeranyl Diphosphate Synthase from Methanobacterium thermoformicicum SF-4
- Small Kidney : A Clinical Study Estimation of Progression of Renal Failure
- 113 Experimental study on the Effectiveness of Antireflux Intestinal Spur Valve
- Renal Failure among Henoch-Schonlein Purpura with Nephrotic Syndrome
- A case report of Stevens-Johnson syndrome with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection
- (11)血液浄化治療における合成高分子膜の果たす役割(IV. 人工臓器,第9回代用臓器研究総会抄録)
- (8)腎移植における核医学検査(III. 臓器移植,第9回代用臓器研究総会抄録)