Minimal influence of tocilizumab on IFN-γ synthesis by tuberculosis antigens
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-04-01
矢野 幸洋
矢野 幸洋
矢野 幸洋
国立病院機構刀根山病院 呼吸器内科
Department of Molecular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Kami Masahiro
Division Of Exploratory Research Institute Of Medical Science University Of Tokyo
矢野 幸洋
Matsuo Keitaro
Division Of Epidemiology And Prevention Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
Matsuo Keitaro
国立がんセンター中央病院 造血幹細胞移植グループ
Kawase I
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Tanaka Toshio
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Tada Takuhito
Department Of Radiology Osaka Prefectural Medical Center For Respiratory And Allergic Diseases
Tada Takuhito
Department Of Radiology Osaka City University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kawakami M
Department Of Hematology Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital
Kami Masahiro
Department Of Internal Medicine Toranomon Hospital
Ogata Atsushi
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Ogata A
Atmospheric Environmental Protection Department National Institute For Resources And Environment
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Allergy and Rheumatic Disease, Osaka University Graduate School
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Allergy and Rheumatic Disease, Osaka University Graduate School
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Allergy and Rheumatic Disease, Osaka University Graduate School
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Allergy and Rheumatic Disease, Osaka University Graduate School
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Allergy and Rheumatic Disease, Osaka University Graduate School
SHIMA Yoshihito
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Allergy and Rheumatic Disease, Osaka University Graduate School
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Allergy and Rheumatic Disease, Osaka University Graduate School
Matsuo Keitaro
Division Of Epidemiology And Prevention Aichi Cancer Center
Kataoka Mikio
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Okayama University School Of Medicine
Yoshihara Satoshi
Division Of Hematology Department Of Internal Medicine Hyogo College Of Medicine
Laboratory of Immune Regulation, Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University
Division of Infection Control and Prevention, Osaka University Hospital
Kawakami Manabu
Department Of Cancer Immunotherapy Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kawase Ichiro
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Kawase Ichiro
Department Of Molecular Medicine Osaka University Medical School
Tanaka Toshio
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Diseases Osaka University Medical School
Kishimoto Tadamitsu
Department Of Pediatrics Osaka Medical Center And Research Institute For Maternal And Child Health
Kishimoto Tadamitsu
Laboratory Of Immune Regulation Osaka University Graduate School Of Frontier Biosciences
Kawase Ichiro
Department Of Thoracic Malignancy Osaka Prefectural Medical Center For Respiratory And Allergic Dise
Ogata Atsushi
Department Of Applied Biological Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agriculture And
Kishimoto T
Laboratory Of Immune Regulation Osaka University Graduate School Of Frontier Biosciences
Kawai Mari
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Hamano Teruaki
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Hashimoto Shoji
Division Of Infection Control And Prevention Osaka University Hospital
MORI Masahide
Department of Respiratory Medicine, National Hospital Organization Toneyama National Hospital
YANO Yukihiro
Department of Respiratory Medicine, National Hospital Organization Toneyama National Hospital
Department of Respiratory Medicine, National Hospital Organization Toneyama National Hospital
YOKOTA Souichirou
Department of Respiratory Medicine, National Hospital Organization Toneyama National Hospital
Moriwaki Masamitsu
Department Of Respiratory Medicine National Hospital Organization Toneyama National Hospital
Yano Yukihiro
Department Of Respiratory Medicine National Hospital Organization Toneyama National Hospital
Terabe Fumitaka
Department Of Respiratory Medicine National Hospital Organization Toneyama National Hospital
Kishimoto Tomoko
Department Of Pediatrics Osaka Medical Center And Research Institute For Maternal And Child Health
Saeki Yukihiko
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Shima Yoshihito
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Diseases Osaka University Medical School
Kuwahara Yusuke
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Kataoka Mikio
Department Of Cancer Immunotherapy Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hirano Toru
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Tada Takuhito
Department Of Surgery Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Arimitsu Junsuke
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Hagihara Keisuke
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Hagihara Keisuke
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of Med
Tanaka Toshio
Department Of Cardiology Matsusaka Central General Hospital
Kishimoto Tadamitsu
Laboratory Of Immune Regulation Graduate School Of Frontier Biosciences Osaka University
Yokota Souichirou
Department Of Respiratory Medicine National Hospital Organization Toneyama National Hospital
Shima Yoshihito
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Mori Masahide
Department Of Internal Medicine National Hospital Organization Toneyama National Hospital
Kawase Ichiro
Department Of Hematology And Rheumatology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hirano Toru
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
Ogata Atsushi
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Diseases Osaka University Graduate School O
Tanaka Toshio
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Kawase Ichiro
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Mori Masahide
Department Of Respiratory Medicine National Hospital Organization Toneyama National Hospital
Yokota Soichiro
Department Of Respiratory Medicine National Hospital Organization Toneyama National Hospital
Narazaki Masashi
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Tada Takuhito
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Tanaka Toshio
Department Of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences Graduate School Of Health Sciences Tokyo Medical And De
Tanaka Toshio
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo University
Fujikawa Takeya
Department Of Respiratory Medicine National Hospital Organization Toneyama National Hospital
Ogata Atsushi
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Diseases Osaka University Graduate School O
Department of Internal Medicine, National Hospital Organization Toneyama National Hospital, Osaka
Shima Yoshihito
Department of Allergy and Rheumatic Diseases, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Tanaka Toshio
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Univeristy
Hirano Toru
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo
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