Early Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Aspergillosis with Combination Use of Cerebral Diffusion-weighted Echo-planar Magnetic Resonance Image and Polymerase Chain Reaction of Cerebrospinal Fluid
Ogawa S
Department Of Pathology Graduate School Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
上 昌広
Kami Masahiro
Division Of Exploratory Research Institute Of Medical Science University Of Tokyo
Division of Exploratory Research,the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo
KAMI Masahiro
The Department of Hematology and Oncology, Tokyo University
The Department of Radiology, Tokyo University
The Department of Hematology and Oncology, Tokyo University
OGAWA Seishi
The Department of Hematology and Oncology, Tokyo University
The Department of Hematology and Oncology, Tokyo University
KANDA Yoshinobu
The Department of Hematology and Oncology, Tokyo University
The Department of Radiology, Tokyo University
SAITO Toshiki
The Department of Hematology and Oncology, Tokyo University
The Department of Hematology and Oncology, Tokyo University
MAKI Kazuhiro
The Department of Hematology and Oncology, Tokyo University
HONDA Hiroaki
The Department of Hematology and Oncology, Tokyo University
CHIBA Shigeru
The Department of Hematology and Oncology, Tokyo University
The Department of Radiology, Tokyo University
HIRAI Hisamaru
The Department of Hematology and Oncology, Tokyo University
The Department of Hematology and Oncology, Tokyo University
KANDA Yoshinobu
Department of Hematology and Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo
Yoshimoto Koji
Division Of Hematology Department Of Medicine Kurume University School Of Medicine
Matsuo Keitaro
Division Of Epidemiology And Prevention Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
Matsuo Keitaro
Hirai H
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Morita Tomohiro
東京大学医科学研究所 探索医療ヒューマンネットワークシステム
Matsumura Tomoko
Division Of Exploratory Research The Institute Of Medical Science The University Of Tokyo
Hirai Hisamaru
東京大学 医系研究血液・腫瘍病態学
Ogawa Seishi
東京大学医学部附属病院 無菌治療部
Ohta Satoshi
The 21st Century Coe Program Graduate School Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
上 昌広
国立がんセンター中央病院 造血幹細胞移植グループ
Chiba Shigeru
Department Of Cell Therapy And Transplantation Medicine University Of Tokyo Hospital
Ogawa Seishi
Department Of Pathology Graduate School Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Honda Hiroaki
Department Of Cell Therapy & Transplantation Medicine University Of Tokyo Hospital
Kawakami M
Department Of Hematology Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital
Kami Masahiro
Department Of Internal Medicine Toranomon Hospital
Kami Masahiro
The Department Of Hematology And Oncology Tokyo University
Yazaki Yoshio
The Department Of Hematology And Oncology Tokyo University
Hirai Hisamaru
Department Of Hematology And Oncology Graduate School Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Kanda Yoshinobu
Department Of Hematology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Kanda Yoshinobu
Department Of Hematology And Oncology Graduate School Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Chiba S
Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. Ltd. Yamaguchi Jpn
Ohtomo Kuni
The Department Of Radiology Tokyo University
Morita Tomohiro
Division Of Exploratory Research The Institute Of Medical Science The University Of Tokyo
Matsumura Tomoko
Division Of Exploratory Research Institute Of Medical Science University Of Tokyo
Miyagawa Kiyoshi
Department Of Developmental Biology And Oncology Research Institute For Radiation Biology And Medici
Chiba S
Tokyo Research Laboratories Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. Ltd.
Saito Toshiki
The Department Of Hematology And Oncology Tokyo University
Yazaki Y
The Department Of Hematology And Oncology Tokyo University
Yakushiji Kazuaki
Division Of Hematology Department Of Medicine Kurume University School Of Medicine
Hirai H
Department Of Hematology And Oncology Graduate School Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Mitani Kinuko
The Department Of Hematology And Oncology Tokyo University
Shirouzu Ichiro
The Department Of Radiology Tokyo University
Yazaki Yoshio
The Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine University Of Tokyo
Tanaka Yuji
Division Of Exploratory Research The Institute Of Medical Science The University Of Tokyo
Ogawa Seishi
Cancer Genomics Project The University Of Tokyo
Kami Masahiro
Division Of Social Communication System For Advanced Clinical Research The Institute Of Medical Scie
OGAWA Seishi
The Department of Cell Therapy & Transplantation Medicine, University of Tokyo Hospital
CHIBA Shigeru
The Department of Cell Therapy & Transplantation Medicine, University of Tokyo Hospital
KANDA Yoshinobu
The Department of Cell Therapy & Transplantation Medicine, University of Tokyo Hospital
- 巻頭インタビュー キーパースンに訊く 日本のがん医療--問題点とその克服への道 今こそ「医療崩壊を招いた構造」の組み替え時期 上昌広さん(東京大学医科学研究所特任准教授)
- 教育研修講座 医療事故調法案騒動から見えてくるわが国の医療ガバナンスの変化
- 深在性真菌症に対する voriconazole の臨床試験 : 多施設共同, 非対照試験
- Special Interview 新型インフルエンザワクチンはなぜ不足したのか?--ワクチン後進国ニッポンの構造的問題
- 深在性真菌症の発生動向に関するアンケート調査アスペルギルス症について
- 小児同種造血幹細胞移植における無菌管理効率化の検討
- Why Do Japans Advanced Medical Treatments Never Get Ahead?
- Phase II study of tacrolimus and methotrexate for prophylaxis of acute graft-versus-host disease after HLA-A, B, and DRB1 genotypically mismatched unrelated bone marrow transplantation among Japanese patients
- 同種骨髄移植症例の入院期間の検討
- P-376 膿胸関連リンパ腫の臨床像および治療 (全国調査)(その他2, 第47回日本肺癌学会総会)
- 細胞免疫療法としての骨髄非破壊的な同種末梢血幹細胞移植(ミニ移植)を施行した転移性腎細胞癌の9症例
- 造血幹細胞移植後のCMV感染症予防のためのCMV半定量PCRの有用性の検討
- Different Kinetics of WT1 and PML-RARα Gene Expression Levels during Remission Induction Therapy with All-trans Retinoic Acid Alone in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
- マイクロサテライト多型を利用したmixed chimerismの迅速定量診断法の確立
- 臓器障害を有する患者の治療--肝障害(とくにB型肝炎ウイルスキャリアなど),腎障害合併例など (第5土曜特集 悪性リンパ腫up-to-date--混沌よりあらたなエビデンスを求めて) -- (特殊病態・合併症の治療)
- Anaplastic large-cell lymphoma--診断と治療 (特集 悪性リンパ腫--疾患単位の確立と層別化治療) -- (注目すべき疾患entityの病態・治療・予後)
- GVHDの制御 (第5土曜特集 造血幹細胞の制御と移植) -- (造血幹細胞の免疫学的制御)
- Current status of development of anticancer agents in Japan
- Safety and usefulness of emergency maternal transport using helicopter
- Regional differences exist in allogeneic stem cell transplantation rates for acute leukemia
- Postmortem examination of the kidney in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients : possible involvement of graft-versus-host disease
- Graft-versus-Myeloma Effects in Reduced-Intensity Cord Blood Transplantation
- A study of cancer information for cancer patients on the internet
- Prevalence of Anemia among Healthy Women in 2 Metropolitan Areas of Japan
- Use of hydroxy-methyl-glutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors is associated with risk of lymphoid malignancies
- Increase Incidence of Lymphoid Malignancies in Patients Receiving Statins and Their Clinical Characteristics : A Case-Control Study Involving 1100 Patients
- A Prospective Surveillance of Nosocomial Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in a Hematology Ward: A Single-Center Experience in Japan
- Early Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Aspergillosis with Combination Use of Cerebral Diffusion-weighted Echo-planar Magnetic Resonance Image and Polymerase Chain Reaction of Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Peripheral blood stem cell versus bone marrow transplantation from HLA-identical sibling donors in patients with leukemia : a propensity score-based comparison from the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation registry
- 座談会 政権交代で医療はどう変わるのか (特集 政権交代で何が変わったのか--医療政策の変化を読む)
- 新型インフルで薬害を起こさないために
- 医療メディアの新潮流 (特集 民主主義とメディアの責任)
- W-4-3 免疫細胞療法におけるsteady state leukapheresis
- 細胞免疫療法としての骨髄非破壊的な同種末梢血幹細胞移植(ミニ移植)を施行した転移性腎癌の7症例
- 医療関連死問題をかんがえる(9)わが国の医療ガバナンスの新しい潮流--医療関連死問題からみえるもの
- 医療事故調論争を読み解く ("医療安全調査委員会"の是非を問う)
- 診療関連死に関する厚労省第三次試案を読み解く (特集 医療事故を取り扱う第三者機関の設立をめざして)
- 同種造血幹細胞移植における深在性真菌感染症予防
- Ischemic Colitis as a Manifestation of Thrombotic Microangiopathy Following Bone Marrow Transplantation
- Mutation Analysis of the WT1 Gene in Myelodysplastic Syndromes
- Frameshift Mutations of the hMSH6 Gene in Human Leukemia Cell Lines
- Subcellular localization of the MEN, MLI/MEN and truncated MLL proteins expressed in leukemic cells carrying the t(11;19)(q23;p13.1) translocation
- Fulminant Septicemic Syndrome of Bacillus cereus in a Leukemic Patient
- c-Cbl Is Inducibly Tyrosine-phosphorylated by Epidermal Growth Factor Stimulation in Fibroblasts, and Constitutively Tyrosine-phosphorylated and Associated with v-Src in v-src-transformed Fibroblasts
- Tyrosine Phosphorylation of the Proto-oncogene Product Vav and Its Association with the Adapter Grb2/Ash in a Human Leukemia Cell Line UT-7
- 新春インタビュー 日本が生き残っていくためには将来に投資しないといけない
- 現場からの医療改革
- 深在性アスペルギルス症の非侵襲的診断方法 : real-time PCR 法の応用
- Biased usage of BV gene families of T-cell receptors of WT1 (Wilms' tumor gene)-specific CD8^+ T cells in patients with myeloid malignancies
- TOP鼎談「経営談義」(第11回)現場の声をもとに新たな政策を立案し危機打開を実現する
- 私の視点 骨髄移植フィルター騒動の舞台裏
- 座談会 わが国と欧米のガイドライン(IDSA)の比較--侵襲性アスペルギルス症(IA)を中心に
- SP-5-7 ポストモダン社会における医師のあり方 : 医学から医療学・患者学へ(第108回日本外科会定期学術集会)
- 真菌症とPCRの応用 深在性アスペルギルス症の非侵襲的診断方法:real-time PCR法を中心に (特集 血液内科領域における最近の真菌症診断法)
- 川渕対談(第34回)今月のゲスト 上昌広氏(東京大学医科学研究所探索医療ヒューマンネットワークシステム部門客員助教授) 疾病のタイプが変化した今 地域ネットワークの充実による生活に沿った医療提供が必要
- Gain-of-function mutations and copy number increases of Notch2 in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
- ESHAP therapy effective in a patient with Langerhans cell sarcoma
- Coordinated regulation of transcription factors through Notch2 is an important mediator of mast cell fate
- A case of adult Langerhans cell histiocytosis showing successfully regenerated osseous tissue of the skull after chemotherapy
- Immunotherapy against metastatic renal cell carcinoma with mature dendritic cells
- ミニ移植における真菌感染予防
- 同種造血幹細胞移植における深在性真菌感染症予防
- Imatinib mesylate inhibited rat adjuvant arthritis and PDGF-dependent growth of synovial fibroblast via interference with the Akt signaling pathway
- Preventative Effect of a Flavonoid, Enzymatically Modified Isoquercitrin on Ocular Symptoms of Japanese Cedar Pollinosis
- シタラビン大量療法時の眼障害回避に対するステロイド点眼液の適正使用の効果
- Mylotarg Is Not a "Magic Bullet"
- Low-Dose Cyclosporin A with Short-Term Methotrexate for Graft-versus-Host Disease Prophylaxis in Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation from Human Leukocyte Antigen-Identical Siblings : A Prospective Phase II Study in Japanese Patients
- Relationship of Cigarette Smoking, Alcohol Use, Recreational Exercise and Obesity with Serum Lipid Atherogenicity : A Study of Self-Defense Officials in Japan
- Whole-genome profiling of chromosomal aberrations in hepatoblastoma using high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping microarrays
- Molecular Cytogenetic Analyses of HIG, a Novel Human Cell Line Carrying t(1;3)(p36.3;q25.3) Established from a Patient with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia in Blastic Crisis
- Prognostic significance of genetic alterations detected by high-density single nucleotide polymorphism array in gastric cancer
- Wilms Tumor Gene WT1 Peptide-Based Immunotherapy Induced a Minimal Response in a Patient with Advanced Therapy-Resistant Multiple Myeloma
- WT1_, a Ninemer Peptide Derived from Wilms' Tumor Gene Product, Is a Candidate Peptide for the Vaccination of HLA-A^*0201-Positive Patients with Hematopoietic Malignancies
- Wilms' tumor gene WT1 17AA(-)/KTS(-) isoform induces morphological changes and promotes cell migration and invasion in vitro
- Relation of Green Tea Consumption to Serum Lipids and Lipoproteins in Japanese Men
- The Relation of Smoking, Alcohol Use and Obesity to Risk of Sigmoid Colon and Rectal Adenomas
- Anticipation of Job Loss or Job Change and Cardiovascular Risk Factors : a Study of Retiring Self-Defense Officials in Japan
- WT1 (Wilms' Tumor 1) Peptide Immunotherapy for Renal Cell Carcinoma
- Dual antitumor mechanisms of Notch signaling inhibitor in a T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia xenograft model
- Minimal influence of tocilizumab on IFN-γ synthesis by tuberculosis antigens
- Successful treatment of primary AL amyloidosis by VAD therapy, high-dose melphalan, and autologous peripheral stem cell transplantation
- Global Standardの視点からの医療(57)がん治療
- 骨髄非破壊的造血幹細胞移植に伴う真菌感染症とその対策
- ミニ移植と感染症
- 臨床 低悪性度非ホジキンリンパ腫の治療の実際 (特集 悪性リンパ腫--基礎と臨床)
- A case of Mikulicz's disease with Th2-biased cytokine profile : possible feature discriminable from Sjogren's syndrome
- Structural problems of medical news reports in newspapers : a verification of news reports on an incident of mass nosocomial Serratia infection
- Feasibility and Obstacles in Home Chemotherapy for Malignant Lymphoma
- 東日本大震災 医療の現状を見る
- 造血器悪性腫瘍症例における深在性真菌症 (7月第5土曜特集 白血病--最新の基礎と臨床) -- (白血病の標準的治療法)
- AL amyloidosis with IgD-lambda monoclonal gammopathy and lambda-type Bence-Jones protein : successful treatment by autologous stem cell transplantation
- 医療事故調法案騒動から見えてくるわが国の医療ガバナンスの変化
- 福島県浜通りは何を求めているのか
- 鼎談 21世紀のライフライン がんの先進医療の現状と今後の課題
- 巻頭対談 21世紀のライフライン ヒトゲノム解析・がんワクチン研究の進展具合とその実用化への障壁(後編)がんワクチンの効果は「期待」から「確信」に変わった
- 巻頭対談 21世紀のライフライン ヒトゲノム解析・がんワクチン研究の進展具合とその実用化への障壁(前編)個別化医療が「日本医療の新機軸」
- Why Do Japan's Advanced Medical Treatments Never Get Ahead?
- Development of a novel scale to assess the quality of life in type 1 diabetic patients for beta cell replacement therapy
- TPPは我が国の医療にマイナスか
- 巻頭対談 21世紀のライフライン 日本の医療 崩壊を招いた構造と再生への提言 : 患者さんに「希望」を提供する医療を実現するために : 中村祐輔氏 シカゴ大学医学部血液・腫瘍内科教授 東京大学医科学研究所ヒトゲノム解析センター教授 上昌広氏 東京大学医科学研究所特任教授